We are our GOD
Warning : This is just a theory and a mindset, it has no relation with any religion, we do not promote any religion or caste, we are from the side of science and just look at it as a perspective, and do not connect it with religion.

We are our own God, it does not mean that we are God, so do not consider yourself a God, in this we have shown a view of how we control ourselves, if you guys have seen the movie Interstellar then you must have seen it in this. I am the character who is controlling it, i.e. manipulating it, in short we can say that we are our God. In this theory, I will also give you answers to many mysteries of the world, like the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids, the mystery of repeatedly seeing UFOs in the sky, and will also try to answer all these miracles, this theory is related to our space. Will answer all the questions. , but this is also an attitude of the mind.
Our Perspective......

So let's start our journey, before that Batadu, we are not saying this against any religion, or we are not taking fever of any religion, we are just explaining the science, so please do not let it get into any religious controversy. Add So the first question you might be asking is how? How can this happen? You must have seen the movie Interstellar, in which it is shown that I am the character, he is the one who is contacting me, sending me messages, he is controlling me in short, so I am also in the same perspective. I want to understand but not on the claim of any movie but on my own strong claim. It is possible that our technology becomes so advanced that we become Type 5 or Type 7 civilization, and as you all know how advanced Type 5 civilization is and we also saw it in the movie Interstellar. So, by complementing time, we can make time a physical dimension as well, right, then with the same physical power we can also control our past and this is absolutely possible. Although it will definitely happen, it is possible that the one whom we are calling God is ourselves or God is a Type 7 Civilization, according to the future, we are controlling ourselves from the future itself to reach that future. I know it is very difficult to understand this concept easily but this concept can change the world, we cannot prove it, hence we can only show it in the form of a thesis or theory. But this theory can also become a strong side, I will make this theory a little easy and interesting so that you can understand it easily. So imagine that you are also a part of that Type 7 civilization and you can also control your own time dimension, then what will you do, obviously you will think only good for yourself and do good things for yourself, then only that. I want to make you understand that we are controlling ourselves. We have heard one more thing that if we think positive then we will be positive, and you must have heard another thing that whatever happens happens only for the good, so don't you think these things connect with my theory, you have seen people doing nothing before God. You might have asked for it and maybe many people might have got it, if I talk about myself, I have got it all. Have you heard about the Law of Attraction?, what it says is that you should be positive, keep positivity in your arms, ask for what you want from your heart, this universe will absorb that positivity and give you whatever you want, and surprisingly this concept also If you relate to this theory of mine, then can this theory become special which will give answers to all the questions related to our space and it is also related to all the concepts, what do you have to say, please tell me in the chat section. Now we come to our mysteries, what are these aliens? Who is this? So imagine, if we become type 7 civilization then we will be able to manipulate the time dimension also, then with this we will be able to go to the past and perhaps this UFO can be our space vehicle with the help of which we can travel in time. And these images of aliens are not aliens but advanced civilizations that are helping us, and after some time they may come to meet us through UFOs. Now this is the mystery of the pyramids of Giza in which we have not been able to find out yet how these pyramids were built, how they brought 500 kg of rocks at that time, and the biggest mystery of this is its direction and perfection, so can we say this? It is possible that we may have helped them in creating those pyramids, may be they needed us then and we have come to help them? If this happens, then this theory can also become the theory of everything by making some changes, Now coming to the miracle, what is it, we have never explained miracle properly in the language of science before, but I would like to explain something to you from this theory, do you remember the anomalies of gravitational and time that happened in the movie Interstellar? In the same way, we can consider miracles as an anomaly, I would not like to say this with complete confidence but I am just making my point, I am not saying that religion is wrong or anything else, I am just saying this in the language of science. I am defining miracle, this miracle can also be a message sent by our advanced civilization, for me it is absolutely possible, if we connect all these strange incidents that are happening then it will be perfect. Hey, there are some gap holes in this theory of mind, but it can answer most of the mysteries, it is possible that advanced civilization wants to contact us or it can be something to say or give a message. What do you have to say about this? we are still working on this theory and we are expanding it further, till then you read it, think and ask us questions in the chat box below.
You will say that I am not able to understand anything well, no problem, I understand with an example. Everyone must be using a mobile phone, suppose you are currently using an Android phone and a new phone comes in the market, iPhone and it is many times better than your Android, then what will you do? Leave Android and buy iPhone, and they will give Android and put your SIM card in iPhone, right? If you relate our theory to this example, you will understand everything. We are Android inside which is the SIM card i.e. our soul. Then we die, someone changes the phone and puts our soul in another body. Now that Android phone is a body without a soul which we burn or bury. And all this is controlled by civilizations much more advanced than us. To understand this theory, we will have to imagine the era of Type 7 civilization and think like them. We will keep adding the remaining data to this theory.
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