Existence of Multiverse

what is multiverse? , Does it exist in real?, and if yes then how, I will also show its proof and an experiment. In this article, you will know the secret of the multiverse and all the facts related to it and will also know whether it exists or not.
1.1 Imaginary view of multiverse
We already know about the multiverse that this is our universe and there must be another such universe outside this universe and we have named it multiverse, but can't it be that when the Big Bang happened, different universes were created? It must have happened, it must be strange to hear but I will explain it to you very well. You must have read in Science in class 8-9 that when milk is heated, the particles below its surface get heated and come up and the cold particles from above come down and in the same way the milk gets heated, but this one feels hotter. After this, its hot molecules come up through an air bubble, which takes time and the milk gets heated quickly, so what is the relation of this to our theory?, like the milk particles get heated more and form a bubble type structure. Similarly, when the Big Bang happened, the particles were spread among the molecules, then that energy would also have taken a bubble-like form and we live in one of those bubble type structures.

1.2 Bubble type structure in milk
Where is proof?.....

1.3 Experience of deja vu.
By now you must have understood all the society but still there must be a question somewhere in your mind that proving the multiverse only on the medium of milk does not seem confidential. Yes, so now I will tell you some experiments and proofs, imagine that you are looking at the Taj Mahal and suddenly this thought came to you that yes, I have already seen the Taj Mahal and that too while standing at the same place, or Sometimes it may have happened that you are meeting someone for the first time and you feel that you have met them before, 94% of the people in the whole world have felt such things, this is called déjà vu effect, it means first. Some work done The thesis behind this is that when your timeline collides with your avatar, which is in another universe of the multiverse, then you feel that your other avatar has done this thing earlier and that thing is saved in your memory. It happens and when you see that thing again, you feel that you have done it before. We can compare this thing with the multiverse, and somewhere this thing may have a connection with the multiverse.