Multiness of Thoughts
What we doing, what we experiencing, what we thinking is a multiness of thoughts
Multiness of Thoughts
What we are experiencing right now, whether we have a dream or a thought represents our future, it means that what we think will happen to us, so always keep positive thinking. You may have seen the movie Interstellar where a man controls the fourth diamentio from the future and how our present is connected to our past, this basic concept is what I call the concept of Multiness of Thoughts. this concept is also connected with quantum theories, because this theory also say that all thigs which we see is create with our thoughts and after we see it's die immediately.

An idea that forces us to think, what you are thinking now or what is happening to you is dependent on your footing, but how? What if you go ahead and get a good job, but you don't study? So you may not have sat on that achievement. Just like in the interstellar movie, your future is writing the present to you, the result of what you are doing now will be found in the future, so it is you who controls you from the future in the present. And against this, even if you connect the concept to the deje wan effect, you will get today's result, if future is actual then present, not actually, but yes it can be said that future is as equivalent as our present thoughts or our present situation right. And this universe is also a part of our concept, science su? Science is a medium to show our thoughts and our ability, so what is not like science? Not actually but science is a loop made up of our thoughts and just a thought? Is there a medium we use to present our skills? And all this is a multiplicity of ideas. It is human nature that if you think about something, then you walk in the light of that thing and your thoughts start to create that thing. So everything is just an illusion. We are a part of this universe, so whatever theories we have are the thoughts of our mind which we want to make true by any means. You must have experienced that sometimes when you go into deep thoughts, that thought seems true to you in real life too and this also happens with our dreams, then everything is fine, it is just an illusion of our thoughts and brain. This theory is the theory of multiness of thoughts.

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