Black & White Universe
How beautiful the space is right?, Yaa it is but not because beautiful colorful looking images, universe has no color in it self, universe is beautiful because we have connection with it with it's mysteries and it's vast expanse.

All of you must be knowing about the beauty of the universe, how beautiful it looks, have you people gone to space and seen the universe? We only see it in images and this is the truth, right? Not actually, the universe does not look like this from space, it does not look like this, then what is the universe like? And why does it look messy in images? You will get the answers to all these questions today.
NASA and other space agencies release many space images and in them space looks like this (Image 1) and it should be exactly like this only then it appears like this in the photo, the universe does not look like this at all, and no objects of the universe (galaxy, star, nebula etc.) have any color of their own, then how do the images look so messed up? Actually telescopes capture infrared rays and they are given color grading through their intensity, high intensity is blue and low is red, and after some such processing those images has become something like this (following picture), so are all these agencies cheating us? No, if the image is black & white then you will not like to see it at all and maybe you are not even that interested in it, and that is why all agencies release color graded images for public release.
But space is shown to be very beautiful and peaceful! Movies are for your entertainment and not a science class, so that is why space is shown to be corporeal and beautiful in movies so that your interest remains. So is the view of space shown in Passengers movie not correct? Yes it is an animation, and in fact the view of space shown in all the movies is not correct.
How stars are looking bright?
There is no color, form or sound of any object in the space because that medium is not available for travelling there, so all the capturing that we do comes in black & white only, you might have this question in your mind that why do stars appear shining?, so the more the intensity of the object will be the more visible to us, like we see the sun which is very close to us and that is why it is visible, similarly the stars have their own light, the brighter the star will be, the brighter its light will be and that is why it appears shining, and this thing is applicable to other objects as well.
How Galaxies are looks?
Galaxy is so bright because of lots of stars and its glowing center but it doesn’t mean that it looks like this colorful. Same is the principle with galaxy, it doesn’t look so beautiful, even galaxies are not visible, you will not see any shape of galaxy in real life, because we can’t see gases through telescope, we can only see bright things in real form like stars and galaxy center, rest everything is the magic of software, so whenever you see Andromeda in image then remember that it doesn’t look like this as you can see the difference of andromeda galaxy.
“The beauty isn’t means the looks everytime, sometimes it means the connection to the UNIVERSE”

The universe is expanding, and that expansion stretches light traveling through space in a phenomenon known as cosmological redshift. The greater the redshift, the greater the distance the light has traveled.

Within the Hubble Deep Field-North region, astronomers pinpointed a blaze of light from one of the farthest supernovas ever seen. In a close-up view of that region (left) a white arrow points to a faint elliptical, the home of the exploding SN 1997ff. The supernova itself (right) is distinguished by the white dot in the center.

This diagram reveals changes in the rate of expansion since the universe's birth 15 billion years ago. The more shallow the curve, the faster the rate of expansion. The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart.

This image is a portion of the GOODS-North field. The field features approximately 15,000 galaxies, about 12,000 of which are forming stars. Hubble’s ultraviolet vision opened a new window on the evolving universe, tracking the birth of stars over the last 11 billion years back to the cosmos’ busiest star-forming period about 3 billion years after the big bang.

Spiral galaxy NGC 3021 (background) was one of several hosts of Type Ia supernovae observed by astronomers to refine the measure of the universe's expansion rate, called the Hubble constant. Hubble made precise measurements of Cepheid variable stars in the galaxy, highlighted by green circles in the inset boxes.
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