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  • Plans & Pricing | SPACELIA

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  • Planetary System | SPACELIA

    Planetary System Interesting facts and information about object of our solar system. Heliocentric System Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. View Map Trappist-1 System Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. View Map

  • Hubble's Deep Field | SPACELIA

    Hubble's Deep Field The Hubble Space Telescope has made over 1.5 million observations since its launch in 1990, capturing stunning subjects such as the Eagle Nebula and producing data that has been featured in almost 18,000 scientific articles. But no image has revolutionized the way we understand the universe as much as the Hubble Deep Field . A Core Sample of the Universe ​ The Hubble Deep Field image holds 342 separate exposures taken between December 18 and 28, 1995. The picture we see was assembled from blue, red, and infrared light. The combination of these images allows astronomers to infer the distance, age, and composition of the galaxies photographed. Bluer objects, for example, contain young stars or could be relatively close. Redder objects contain older stars or could be farther away. Most of the galaxies are so faint ― four billion times fainter than the human eye can see ― that they had never been observed before, even by the largest telescopes. “As the images have come up on our screens, we have not been able to keep from wondering if we might somehow be seeing our own origins in all of this,” Williams said at the time. “These past 10 days have been an unbelievable experience.” The “deep” in Hubble Deep Field refers to the telescope’s ability to look at some of these far, faint objects. Looking at far-away objects in space is like seeing back in time. Light moves at tremendous speed, but it still takes time to travel across the vastness of space. Even the light from our own Sun needs eight minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth, so when we look at the Sun, we see it as it was a little more than eight minutes earlier. The farther away the object, the younger it appears in Hubble’s gaze. The Deep Field was like a core sample of space, showing galaxies at different and earlier stages of development the deeper they appeared in the image. Researchers from the State University of New York at Stony Brook analyzed the photo and chose several dozen candidates that could be more distant than any galaxies seen up to that point. They identified the galaxies based on their color, because more distant galaxies appear redder as the light reaches us. This happens because the light stretches as it travels through the universe, transforming into infrared wavelengths, which are redder. A 1998 follow-up infrared image taken with Hubble’s Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer discovered galaxies believed to be over 12 billion light-years away, even farther than those seen in the Hubble Deep Field. Hubble Deep Field South After the success of the original Hubble Deep Field, astronomers sought new ways to increase our understanding of the universe. Since it would take 900,000 years for astronomers to observe the whole sky, they knew they would have to rely on more samples like the Hubble Deep Field to infer what the entire universe looks like. The Hubble Deep Field South focused on a region in the constellation Tucana, near the south celestial pole, and doubled the number of distant galaxies available to astronomers. Williams and a team of 50 astronomers and technicians at the Institute and at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, carried out the 10-day-long observation in October 1998. Hubble Ultra Deep Field ​ In 2004, Hubble captured a million-second-long exposure that contained 10,000 galaxies. This new image, the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, observed the first galaxies to emerge from the “dark ages,” a time just after the Big Bang. A servicing mission in 2002 had installed a new camera, called the Advanced Camera for Surveys. That camera had twice the field of view and a higher sensitivity than WFPC2, the camera that captured the original Deep Field. The final Ultra Deep Field photo is actually combined from an ACS image and an image from Hubble’s Near-Infrared Camera and Multi-object Spectrometer. “Hubble takes us to within a stone’s throw of the Big Bang itself,” said Massimo Stiavelli, an instrument scientist for Hubble at the Space Telescope Science Institute. From ground-based telescopes, the location of the Ultra Deep Field in the constellation Fornax ― right below the constellation Orion ― looked mostly empty, much like the other Deep Field locations, allowing for more distant observations to take place. The Ultra Deep Field image contained several odd galaxies, such as one shaped like a toothpick and another shaped like a bracelet link. Such galaxies come from a more chaotic time before the development of structured galaxies like the Milky Way. Ultra Deep Field data also taught astronomers that black holes at the center of galaxies likely grew over time, that large galaxies build up gradually as others merge and collide, and that some of the earliest galaxies were much smaller than our current Milky Way. Hubble Ultra Deep Field-Infrared ​ In 2009, Hubble captured near-infrared light wavelengths in the same region as the Ultra Deep Field, revealing galaxies formed just 600 million years after the Big Bang. The light from one object, called UDFj-39546284, traveled 13.2 billion light-years to reach Earth. It’s a compact galaxy made up of blue stars, and astronomers found that the rate of star formation grew by a factor of 10 in just over 200 million years ― that may sound like a long time to us, but it’s tiny for the universe. ​ ​ ​ Hubble eXtreme Deep Field In 2012, Hubble took it to the extreme. Astronomers combined 10 years of photographs taken of a region in the center of the original Ultra Deep Field. Even with its smaller view, the eXtreme Deep Field still showed 5,500 galaxies. The faintest galaxies visible in this image are one ten-billionth of what the human eye can see, and most of the galaxies shown are from when they were young and small, often colliding and merging together. ​ ​ ​ Ultra Deep Field 2012 After observations made over six weeks in August and September 2012, a team of astronomers discovered a population of seven primitive galaxies formed when the universe was just 3% of its present age. The observations supported the idea that galaxies may have provided enough energy to reheat the universe after the Big Bang. ​ ​ ​ Frontier Fields NASA’s Great Observatories ― Hubble, Spitzer, and Chandra ― teamed up in 2013 for the Frontier Fields, a bold multi-year campaign to provide critical data to aid investigations of dark matter and how galaxies change over time, among others. Abell 370 is a cluster with several hundred galaxies at its core. It was one of the first clusters where astronomers observed gravitational lensing and part of the Frontier Fields project. Credits: NASA, ESA, R. Bouwens and G. Illingworth (University of California, Santa Cruz) The campaign provided 12 new deep field images, and astronomers were able to detect galaxies 100 times fainter than those they observed in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Focusing on high-redshift galaxies and gravitational lensing, or the natural distortion of light from massive galaxy clusters, the team worked to detect galaxies too faint to be seen by Hubble alone. Such an undertaking propelled our understanding of the universe in ways that could only be achieved with all the Great Observatories working together. The campaign ended in 2017, and now astronomers can use the dataset to continue exploring the early universe. Not only did the Hubble Deep Field change how we understand the universe, it also changed how we share findings. “This coming together of the community to generate a shared, nonproprietary dataset was essentially unprecedented but has since become the model for the majority of large astronomical projects,” wrote University of Washington astronomer Julianne Dalcanton. “This new mode of operating has democratized astronomy.” Hubble’s data was compiled for the Legacy Field, a combination of nearly 7,500 Hubble exposures. It represents 16 years of observations, 265,000 galaxies, and 13.3 billion years, making it the largest collection of galaxies documented by Hubble. The role of exploring the early universe further will fall to the James Webb Space Telescope , expected to launch in late 2021. Designed to see even farther back than Hubble because of its powerful infrared vision, Webb promises exciting observations and new discoveries. But our evolving understanding began with Hubble, and a team not afraid to explore what looked like nothing.

  • The Dream Mission | SPACELIA

    The Dream Mission My greatest experience of dream Mars mission. Overview People must have had many dreams and those dreams would be very unique, but my dream is very unique. Today I will share with you this dream journey full of very interesting and adventures. In this dream of mine, I have done the complete mission of Mars and there are many twists in that too, which I will tell you further in this article. The article is The Dream Mission Dream Mars Mission ​​It was night time, I was tossing and turning on the bed trying to sleep, I was not able to sleep because of fever, I went to 9, I fell asleep with great difficulty, but at 2:30 suddenly I woke up because I Weird dreams of mars were coming, sometimes take off, sometimes horrible dreams of crash on mars, and one side had fever, sleep was gone, I was having dreams even while awake, I mean call it a dream or what it was, I don't know. No, but that picture was running in my mind, just such strange things were visible in front of my eyes, I was trying to sleep, but I was not able to sleep. I felt as if all this was happening in reality, dreams come during sleep but I was having dreams even with my eyes open, this experience was the most unique and a little difficult in my life. I cannot describe that moment clearly, but in a few moments, all those things were coming before my eyes, sometimes the scenes of my plane crashing and getting lost in space were coming to the fore, along with me there were other scenes of mine. There were astronauts who came with me in this mission, there was also a scene in which our return vehicle from Mars breaks down and we are fixing it, there was also a scene in which I am in space and I hear the voices of my companions. I heard that people are calling my name, I am not reacting, there is darkness in front of my eyes, my eyes are half open and closed, it seems as if I am going to faint in some time, even my space suit will not take me much longer. I won't be able to save myself, I am just wandering in this lonely and quiet space. The next moment my crew is in front of me. This experience was very exciting and memorable, I am sitting in our space craft, we probably Have forgotten the direction, coordinates are in my ears and only computer screens are visible in front of me, there are many difficulties coming in this journey and we are struggling with them, I was not able to see this scene clearly but in some time it It was appearing in front of my eyes, I am out of control, I am not able to move, what to do, the path is not swelling, the bass is moving round and round and I don't know in any direction, I am not in control, there is chaos all around, NASA is helping us, we are trying to control it somehow, some noises are coming all around and it seems as if we are about to crash, some society is not coming, there are all the screens in the evening which have all the information. And controls too, and only then we lose everything and crash, when we open our eyes, everything is scattered, some have holes in their suits, some are badly hurt, all these things are happening while the eyes are in it. Then it opens, now it was around 4 o'clock, these strange dreams were happening again and again, on top of that, I was running fever, my condition was bad, sometimes I used to sit and sometimes I tried to sleep, the dreams were not allowing me to sleep, and so on. While all this is happening, I catch my eye, yes a lot more happened in between but I will tell you about it later, when I woke up, it was already morning, there was a different freshness in this morning but I was completely tired, quite a unique experience which It happened that the government spends crores of rupees to reach Mars but I enjoyed the journey to Mars by eating only 2-3 sweets. This whole article is based on a real dream experience. Its second part will also come soon. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Osiris-REx Mission | SPACELIA

    Osiris - REx Mission Remember that scene in "Armageddon" where Bruce Willis blows up a giant asteroid on a collision course with Earth? Thankfully, Bennu, a real near-Earth asteroid, isn't hurtling towards us quite that aggressively. But it is still a celestial wanderer with a thrilling story, and the audacious mission of the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft to unlock its secrets. Bennu: A Time Capsule From the Solar System's Dawn ​ Imagine a colossal rock, bigger than the Empire State Building, older than the dinosaurs, and potentially holding the key to the origins of life on Earth. That's Bennu, a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid formed in the fiery crucible of the early solar system, some 4.5 billion years ago. Unlike its metallic or rocky siblings, Bennu is a carbonaceous treasure trove, its dark, diamond-like surface coated in organic molecules and minerals untouched for eons. Studying these pristine materials is like opening a time capsule, offering scientists a glimpse into the conditions that gave birth to our solar system and the potential for life beyond Earth. ​ OSIRIS-REx: A Touch in the Void ​ In 2016, NASA embarked on a mission as daring as it was groundbreaking: to rendezvous with Bennu, study its surface, and collect a precious sample. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, a technological marvel resembling a robotic octopus, embarked on a years-long journey, navigating the gravitational dance of the solar system and finally arriving at Bennu in 2018. For two years, OSIRIS-REx orbited Bennu like a celestial dance partner, mapping its surface in exquisite detail, revealing a world of craters, boulders, and even a mysterious dark plume erupting from its surface. Then, in October 2020, came the moment of truth: the Touch and Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM) extended from the spacecraft, gently kissed Bennu's surface, and collected a handful of precious regolith (loose, rocky material) – Bennu's ancient secrets scooped into a cosmic treasure chest. Mission Accomplished: Bennu's Treasures Return to Earth ​ After successfully completing its mission, OSIRIS-REx began its long journey back to Earth, carrying its priceless cargo. On September 24, 2023, the spacecraft hurtled through the atmosphere, releasing the sample capsule over the Utah desert. This precious payload, containing millions of Bennu particles, landed safely, marking a historic moment in space exploration. ​ Bennu's Secrets Unlocked: A New Chapter in Science ​ Scientists around the world are now eagerly analyzing the Bennu sample, hoping to answer some of humanity's most profound questions. What were the building blocks of the solar system? How did asteroids contribute to the formation of planets? Could Bennu's organic molecules hold the key to the origins of life? The answers lie within the grains of Bennu's regolith, waiting to be deciphered. This mission is not just about understanding the past; it's about preparing for the future. Studying Bennu's composition and trajectory could help us develop strategies to deflect asteroids in case they ever pose a threat to Earth. ​ Bennu: More Than Just a Rock, a Story of Our Universe ​ The story of Bennu is a testament to human ingenuity and our insatiable curiosity about the universe. It's a reminder that even in the vast emptiness of space, there are treasures to be found, stories to be told, and mysteries waiting to be unlocked. With every grain of Bennu analyzed, we expand our understanding of the cosmos and our place within it. Who knows, maybe one day, Bennu won't just be a celestial bullet dodged, but a key to unlocking the secrets of life itself. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1 Chandra X-Ray Observatory

  • Chandra X-Ray Observatory | SPACELIA

    Chandra X-Ray Observatory Unraveling the Cosmic Tapestry: Chandra X-ray Observatory's Saga ​ In the grand cosmic theater, where the universe dons its most enigmatic costumes, the Chandra X-ray Observatory stands as humanity's eye into the unseen realms. Launched by NASA in 1999, Chandra has been an unrivaled pioneer, deciphering the universe's secrets encoded in X-ray frequencies. In this comprehensive exploration, we embark on a captivating journey, unveiling the multifaceted story of Chandra – its functions, motives, structure, historic milestones, and the mesmerizing discoveries that have reshaped our understanding of the cosmos. ​ X-ray Vision: Chandra's Functions and Motive Unveiling Cosmic Hotspots Chandra's primary function is to observe high-energy X-rays emanating from celestial objects. By capturing these elusive rays, it unveils the hottest, most dynamic regions of the universe, revealing details invisible to other telescopes. ​ Decoding Stellar Life Cycles From supernova remnants to pulsars and black holes, Chandra plays a crucial role in decoding the life cycles of stellar objects. It's a cosmic detective, providing insights into the birth, evolution, and demise of stars. ​ Probing Galactic Nuclei Chandra's gaze extends to the hearts of galaxies, where supermassive black holes reside. By studying the radiation emitted from these active galactic nuclei, scientists gain essential clues about the cosmic processes at play. ​ Charting the Cosmic Web Chandra contributes to mapping the large-scale structure of the universe, uncovering the vast cosmic web formed by the distribution of hot gas between galaxies. ​ Engineering Marvel: The Structure of Chandra X-ray Observatory Mirrors of Precision Chandra's mirrors are coated with a thin layer of iridium, a choice that enhances reflectivity in the X-ray range. Nested mirrors, rather than traditional lenses, focus the incoming X-rays onto detectors with exceptional precision. Space-Resilient Design Crafted to endure the rigors of space, Chandra orbits Earth in an elliptical trajectory, minimizing interference from the planet's radiation belts. This resilient design ensures the telescope's longevity and sustained scientific contributions. Chronicles of Chandra: A Historic Journey Launch into the Unknown Chandra embarked on its cosmic odyssey aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999. Named after the astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the telescope began its mission to unravel the mysteries of the X-ray universe. Milestones and Legacy Throughout its journey, Chandra has left an indelible mark on astrophysics. From confirming the existence of dark energy to identifying numerous neutron stars, its discoveries have rewritten the cosmic narrative. Conclusion: Chandra's Ongoing Odyssey As we reflect on the cosmic voyage of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we recognize its indispensable role in reshaping our cosmic comprehension. The observatory continues to unravel the X-ray mysteries, painting a vivid portrait of the universe's hidden intricacies. "X-ray Pioneers" pays homage to the brilliance of Chandra – a beacon illuminating the celestial darkness, guiding us into the depths of the cosmos where new revelations await discovery. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1 Osiris-REx Mission

  • Copy of Space Exploration | SPACELIA

    SPACE EXPLORATION SERIES Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now Youtube Gallery trial ended. Upgrade to continue using the app. NEXT PREVIOUS

  • Hubble's Nebulae | SPACELIA

    Hubble's Nebulae Hubble telescope discovered some nebulae here is an image and detail of the nebulae and other information about it. Emission Nebulae Emission nebulae are so named because they emit their own light. This type of nebula forms when the intense radiation of stars within or near the nebula energizes the gas. A star’s ultraviolet radiation floods the gas with so much energy that it strips electrons from the nebula’s hydrogen atoms, a process called ionization. As the energized electrons revert from their higher-energy state to a lower-energy state by recombining with atoms, they emit energy in the form of light, causing the nebula’s gas to glow. A famous example of an emission nebula is the Orion Nebula, a huge, star-forming nebula in the constellation Orion. The Orion Nebula is home to a star cluster defined by four massive stars known as the Trapezium. These stars are only a few hundred thousand years old, about 15-30 times the mass of the Sun, and so hot and bright that they’re responsible for illuminating the entire Orion nebula. But thousands of additional, mostly young stars are embedded in the nebula. The most massive are 50 to 100 times the mass of our Sun. The radiation and solar winds of stars within emission nebulae carve and sculpt the nebula’s gas, creating caverns and pillars but also creating pressures on the gas clouds that can give rise to more starbirth. ​ ​ ​ Reflection Nebulae Reflection nebulae reflect the light from nearby stars. The stars that illuminate them aren’t powerful enough to ionize the nebula’s gas, as with emission nebulae, but their light scatters through the gas and dust causing it to glow ― like a flashlight beam shining on mist in the dark. Because of the way light scatters when it hits the fine dust of the interstellar medium, these reflection nebulae are often bluish in color. A reflection nebula called NGC 1999 lies close to the famous Orion Nebula, about 1,500 light-years from Earth. The nebula is illuminated by a bright, recently formed star called V380 Orionis, and the gas and dust of the nebula is material left over from that star’s formation. A second well-known reflection nebula is illuminated by the Pleiades star cluster. Most nebulae around star clusters consist of material that the stars formed from. But the Pleiades shines on an independent cloud of gas and dust, drifting through the cluster at about 6.8 miles/second (11 km/s). Planetary Nebulae When astronomers looked at the sky through early telescopes, they found many indistinct, cloudy forms. They called such objects “nebulae,” Latin for clouds. Some of the fuzzy objects resembled planets, and these earned the name “planetary nebulae.” Today these nebulae keep the name, but we know they have nothing to do with planets. Planetary nebulae form during the death of low-mass to medium-mass stars. When such stars die, they expel their outer layers into space. These expanding shells of gas form a huge variety of unique shapes ― rings, hourglasses, rectangles, and more ― that show the complexity of stellar death. Astronomers are still studying how these intricate shapes form at the end of a star’s life. As the star casts off its outer layers, it leaves behind its core, which becomes a white dwarf star. White dwarf stars are objects with the approximate mass of the Sun but the size of Earth, making them one of the densest forms of matter in the universe after black holes and neutron stars. The white dwarf star’s ultraviolet radiation ionizes the gas of the planetary nebula and causes it to glow, just as stars do in emission nebulae. Our Sun is expected to form a planetary nebula at the end of its life. ​ ​ ​ Supernova Remnants Not all stars die gently, exhaling their outer layers into space. Some explode in a supernova, flinging their contents into space at anywhere from 9,000 to 25,000 miles (15,000 to 40,000 kilometers) per second. When a star has a lot of mass ― at least five times that of our Sun ― or is part of a binary system in which a white dwarf star can gravitationally pull mass from a companion star, it can explode with the brightness of 10 billion Suns. Supernova remnants consist of material from the exploded star and any interstellar material it sweeps up in its path. The new debris from the explosion and material ejected by the star earlier in its life collide, heating up in the shock until it glows with x-rays. Supernova remnants’ glow can also be powered by the stellar wind of a pulsar ― a rapidly spinning neutron star created from the core of the exploded star. The pulsar emits electrons that interact with the magnetic field it produces, a process called synchrotron radiation, and emits X-rays, visible light and radio waves. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Absorption Nebulae Absorption nebulae or dark nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that don’t emit or reflect light, but block light coming from behind them. These nebulae tend to contain large amounts of dust, which allows them to absorb visible light from stars or nebulae beyond them. Astronomer William Herschel, discussing these seemingly empty spots in the late 1700s, called them “a hole in the sky.” Included among absorption nebulae are objects like Bok globules, small, cold clouds of gas and dense cosmic dust. Some Bok globules have been found to have warm cores, which would be caused by star formation inside, and further observation has indicated the presence of multiple stars of varying ages, suggesting a slow, ongoing star formation process. The Crab Nebula is an example of a supernova remnant. The explosion that created it in the year 1054 was so bright that for weeks it could be seen even in the daytime sky, and it was recorded by astronomers across the world. The material from the star is still rushing outward at around 3 million mph (4.8 million kph). Hubble's Nebulae Gallery

  • Today Onward Theory | SPACELIA

    Today Onward Theory What is Today Onward Theory?, This is a theory that will shock you, I will explain this theory today but only if you can relate to it then you will be able to understand it, I have given my strong point of view in this. Over View.... What is Today Onward Theory?, This is a theory that will shock you, I will explain this theory today but only if you can relate to it then you will be able to understand it, I have given my strong point of view in this. What is science?, Have we made much progress in science?, How will science be in the future?, Can we become a Type 2 civilization?, you will get the answers to these questions later, but let me say one thing that if today's From the point of view, science has not done anything, according to scientists, if we want to become a Type 2 civilization, then we still have a lot of research left to do, now you will say that we have discovered so much in space science, how much more?, let me tell you. We are not going to become great by going to space or going to the moon 2-3 times, because we do not even know how to take people out of the solar system, we have not even reached Mars, nor have we established our colony on any planet. If it has been made, then how can we say that science has progressed a lot. One step towards the future Now if you say, what do we have to do so that we can progress?, and where is science today? You will get answers, all your questions will be answered, if you have any question after reading this theory then you can tell me in the chat box below, I will answer all your questions. So what is my point of view, I will tell you, if we have shared something before, then where are we now?, right now we have definitely made a lot of progress in science but that progress is not enough, if we want to become a Type 2 civilization then there is still a lot of work to be done. The journey is still left, all the space we have traveled in comes within the solar system only, we have only taken people to the moon, and for the last many years we have not even been able to send humans again, if you look at science. It has made considerable progress in the last 100 years, but is it enough? No, if we want to reach Alpha Centauri, the system we have today, it will take thousands and millions of years, and we will never be able to reach the nearest galaxy. Then how can we say that we can become a Type 2 civilization? Now I will explain my point of view to you by listening to a story, "Once everyone was present in the king's court, then the king said to a minister that I am very happy with your work and want to give you a gift, tell me what do you want, minister. He was as intelligent as all of you, he said, King, I don't need much, just one square of Chokha in the first square of a chess board and its double in the next one, give me as many Chokha's dens as will be made in the last square, King. The king ordered to give him whatever he wanted, then a servant came and said that the king has asked for so many grains that there are not so many of them in our entire kingdom, then the king was very impressed by him, you will think how many grains would have been there which the king would have given. If I couldn't give it, then I have counted it for you all, and it comes to more than 2305843007575253120, and this is so much that its count has not been discovered till date, and this is exactly how our space science is progressing. , How progress is doubling every day, NASA has been established for only about 70 years and how many discoveries have been made in these 70 years, ISRO was also established 60 years ago and how far it has progressed, in the coming 10- Science would have advanced a lot in 20 years, just take the example of A.I. Most of the people would not even know about A.I before 2020 and it has increased in just three years. In this way our science is progressing and will continue to do so. Chat Section....

  • Multiness of Thoughts | SPACELIA

    Multiness of Thoughts What we doing, what we experiencing, what we thinking is a multiness of thoughts Multiness of Thoughts What we are experiencing right now, whether we have a dream or a thought represents o ur future, it means that what we think will happen to us, so always keep positive thinking. You may have seen the movie Interstellar where a man controls the fourth diamentio from the future and how our present is connected to our past, this basic concept is what I call the concept of Multiness of Thoughts. this concept is also connected with quantum theories, because this theory also say that all thigs which we see is create with our thoughts and after we see it's die immediately. An idea that forces us to think, what you are thinking now or what is happening to you is dependent on your footing, but how? What if you go ahead and get a good job, but you don't study? So you may not have sat on that achievement. Just like in the interstellar movie, your future is writing the present to you, the result of what you are doing now will be found in the future, so it is you who controls you from the future in the present. And against this, even if you connect the concept to the deje wan effect, you will get today's result, if future is actual then present, not actually, but yes it can be said that future is as equivalent as our present thoughts or our present situation right. And this universe is also a part of our concept, science su? Science is a medium to show our thoughts and our ability, so what is not like science? Not actually but science is a loop made up of our thoughts and just a thought? Is there a medium we use to present our skills? And all this is a multiplicity of ideas. It is human nature that if you think about something, then you walk in the light of that thing and your thoughts start to create that thing. So everything is just an illusion. We are a part of this universe, so whatever theories we have are the thoughts of our mind which we want to make true by any means. You must have experienced that sometimes when you go into deep thoughts, that thought seems true to you in real life too and this also happens with our dreams, then everything is fine, it is just an illusion of our thoughts and brain. This theory is the theory of multiness of thoughts. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Zombie Planets The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Space Exploration | SPACELIA

    SPACE EXPLORATION SERIES Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now The Messier Objects Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now The Unique Galaxies Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text. Start Now

  • Spacelia App | SPACELIA

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  • Hubble's Star Clusters | SPACELIA

    Hubble's Star Clusters Billions of trillions of stars illuminate the galaxies of our universe. Each brilliant ball of hydrogen and helium is born within a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula. Deep within these clouds, knots can form, pulling in gas and dust until they become massive enough to collapse under their own gravitational attraction. Open Clusters Open clusters contain between a few dozen and a few thousand stars, all formed from the same initial cloud of gas and dust. The density of stars is low enough in these clusters that individual stars are visible with a telescope, or sometimes the unaided eye, giving them an “open” appearance. Most open clusters reside in the arms of spiral galaxies, and their stars are usually relatively young. Their shape is more irregular than spherical, with large amounts of gas between the stars. Over time, as these clusters rotate around a galaxy, gravitational disruptions from passing cosmic objects can cause the stars to disperse. The Milky Way is home to more than a thousand of these clusters, and even our Sun may have formed in an open cluster. Globular Clusters ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Embedded Clusters ​ Globular clusters are much larger and denser than open clusters, containing several thousand to millions of stars all formed from a shared nebula. Unlike open clusters, the density of stars at their centers is so high that individual stars are hard to discern, even with powerful telescopes. Globular clusters lie on the dusty outskirts of galaxies and their stars are older than those in open clusters. In fact, globular clusters contain some of the oldest known stars in a galaxy. Because old stars tend to have a reddish glow, globular clusters generally appear redder than open clusters. The large number of stars in a relatively small area causes the shape of a globular cluster to appear spherical, as stars’ intense gravitational attraction pulls them together. These gravitational ties grant globular clusters more stability than open clusters, helping them keep their structure instead of breaking up over time. The Milky Way alone has over 150 globular clusters, and our nearest neighboring galaxy Andromeda has over 400. Embedded clusters are a precursor to open and globular clusters. As the youngest type of star cluster, they contain newly born and forming stars surrounded by cosmic gas and dust. As with open and globular clusters, all of the stars formed from the same initial nebula. Embedded clusters are likely the basic unit of star formation since a significant fraction of all stars form within them. Once star formation ends, embedded clusters resemble open clusters, but are often disrupted by passing objects due to their weaker gravitational bonds. The embedded phase typically lasts between 2-7 million years. Since embedded clusters are heavily obscured by dust, they are rarely observed in visible wavelengths of light. However, Hubble’s infrared instruments can detect the longer wavelengths of infrared light that aren’t as easily scattered by clouds of gas and dust. Hubble’s unique capabilities are essential for learning more about these young clusters.

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  • We are our GOD | SPACELIA

    We are our GOD Warning : This is just a theory and a mindset, it has no relation with any religion, we do not promote any religion or caste, we are from the side of science and just look at it as a perspective, and do not connect it with religion. Overview...... We are our own God, it does not mean that we are God, so do not consider yourself a God, in this we have shown a view of how we control ourselves, if you guys have seen the movie Interstellar then you must have seen it in this. I am the character who is controlling it, i.e. manipulating it, in short we can say that we are our God. In this theory, I will also give you answers to many mysteries of the world, like the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids, the mystery of repeatedly seeing UFOs in the sky, and will also try to answer all these miracles, this theory is related to our space. Will answer all the questions. , but this is also an attitude of the mind. Our Perspective...... So let's start our journey, before that Batadu, we are not saying this against any religion, or we are not taking fever of any religion, we are just explaining the science, so please do not let it get into any religious controversy. Add So the first question you might be asking is how? How can this happen? You must have seen the movie Interstellar, in which it is shown that I am the character, he is the one who is contacting me, sending me messages, he is controlling me in short, so I am also in the same perspective. I want to understand but not on the claim of any movie but on my own strong claim. It is possible that our technology becomes so advanced that we become Type 5 or Type 7 civilization, and as you all know how advanced Type 5 civilization is and we also saw it in the movie Interstellar. So, by complementing time, we can make time a physical dimension as well, right, then with the same physical power we can also control our past and this is absolutely possible. Although it will definitely happen, it is possible that the one whom we are calling God is ourselves or God is a Type 7 Civilization, according to the future, we are controlling ourselves from the future itself to reach that future. I know it is very difficult to understand this concept easily but this concept can change the world, we cannot prove it, hence we can only show it in the form of a thesis or theory. But this theory can also become a strong side, I will make this theory a little easy and interesting so that you can understand it easily. So imagine that you are also a part of that Type 7 civilization and you can also control your own time dimension, then what will you do, obviously you will think only good for yourself and do good things for yourself, then only that. I want to make you understand that we are controlling ourselves. We have heard one more thing that if we think positive then we will be positive, and you must have heard another thing that whatever happens happens only for the good, so don't you think these things connect with my theory, you have seen people doing nothing before God. You might have asked for it and maybe many people might have got it, if I talk about myself, I have got it all. Have you heard about the Law of Attraction?, what it says is that you should be positive, keep positivity in your arms, ask for what you want from your heart, this universe will absorb that positivity and give you whatever you want, and surprisingly this concept also If you relate to this theory of mine, then can this theory become special which will give answers to all the questions related to our space and it is also related to all the concepts, what do you have to say, please tell me in the chat section. Now we come to our mysteries, what are these aliens? Who is this? So imagine, if we become type 7 civilization then we will be able to manipulate the time dimension also, then with this we will be able to go to the past and perhaps this UFO can be our space vehicle with the help of which we can travel in time. And these images of aliens are not aliens but advanced civilizations that are helping us, and after some time they may come to meet us through UFOs. Now this is the mystery of the pyramids of Giza in which we have not been able to find out yet how these pyramids were built, how they brought 500 kg of rocks at that time, and the biggest mystery of this is its direction and perfection, so can we say this? It is possible that we may have helped them in creating those pyramids, may be they needed us then and we have come to help them? If this happens, then this theory can also become the theory of everything by making some changes, Now coming to the miracle, what is it, we have never explained miracle properly in the language of science before, but I would like to explain something to you from this theory, do you remember the anomalies of gravitational and time that happened in the movie Interstellar? In the same way, we can consider miracles as an anomaly, I would not like to say this with complete confidence but I am just making my point, I am not saying that religion is wrong or anything else, I am just saying this in the language of science. I am defining miracle, this miracle can also be a message sent by our advanced civilization, for me it is absolutely possible, if we connect all these strange incidents that are happening then it will be perfect. Hey, there are some gap holes in this theory of mind, but it can answer most of the mysteries, it is possible that advanced civilization wants to contact us or it can be something to say or give a message. What do you have to say about this? we are still working on this theory and we are expanding it further, till then you read it, think and ask us questions in the chat box below. You will say that I am not able to understand anything well, no problem, I understand with an example. Everyone must be using a mobile phone, suppose you are currently using an Android phone and a new phone comes in the market, iPhone and it is many times better than your Android, then what will you do? Leave Android and buy iPhone, and they will give Android and put your SIM card in iPhone, right? If you relate our theory to this example, you will understand everything. We are Android inside which is the SIM card i.e. our soul. Then we die, someone changes the phone and puts our soul in another body. Now that Android phone is a body without a soul which we burn or bury. And all this is controlled by civilizations much more advanced than us. To understand this theory, we will have to imagine the era of Type 7 civilization and think like them. We will keep adding the remaining data to this theory. Chat Section If you have any question ask me here.... Other Articles...... Theories Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop Today Onward Theory Parallel World Travel STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-452b Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Solar System | SPACELIA

    Solar System Interesting facts and information about object of our solar system. SUN Star at the Center: The Sun is a star located at the center of our solar system. It is an enormous, nearly spherical ball of hot plasma that generates energy through nuclear fusion. Source of Light and Heat: The Sun radiates immense amounts of light and heat, which provide energy for life on Earth and drive weather patterns, ocean currents, and the climate system. Composition and Size: The Sun is primarily composed of hydrogen (about 74% of its mass) and helium (about 24%). It has a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers (870,000 miles), making it approximately 109 times the diameter of Earth. MERCURY Closest Planet to the Sun: Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our solar system. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 57.9 million kilometers (35.98 million miles). Small and Rocky: Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of about 4,879 kilometers (3,032 miles). It is a rocky planet, similar to Earth's Moon, with a surface covered in craters, cliffs, and plains. Extreme Temperatures: Due to its proximity to the Sun, Mercury experiences extreme temperature variations. The side facing the Sun can reach scorching temperatures of around 430 degrees Celsius (800 degrees Fahrenheit), while the side facing away from the Sun can plummet to freezing temperatures of about -180 degrees Celsius (-290 degrees Fahrenheit). VENUS Earth's "Twin" Planet: Venus is often referred to as Earth's "twin" because it is similar in size and composition. It is the second planet from the Sun and is the closest planet to Earth. Harsh Atmosphere: Venus has a thick and toxic atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid. This dense atmosphere creates a runaway greenhouse effect, making Venus the hottest planet in our solar system, with surface temperatures averaging around 462 degrees Celsius (864 degrees Fahrenheit). Shrouded in Clouds: The atmosphere of Venus is perpetually covered in thick clouds that create a highly reflective layer, making it the brightest planet visible from Earth. These clouds consist mostly of sulfuric acid and contribute to the intense greenhouse effect and the planet's high surface temperatures. EARTH Third Planet from the Sun: Earth is the third planet in our solar system, located between Venus and Mars. Habitable Planet: Earth is the only known planet to support life. It has a diverse biosphere with a wide range of ecosystems and millions of species, including humans. Blue Planet: Earth is often called the "Blue Planet" because about 71% of its surface is covered by oceans, which contain most of the planet's water. Oxygen and Atmosphere: Earth's atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The presence of oxygen enables the survival of aerobic organisms, including humans. MOON Earth's Natural Satellite: The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It orbits around our planet at an average distance of about 384,400 kilometers (238,900 miles). Lunar Phases: The Moon goes through different phases as seen from Earth, caused by the changing positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun. These phases include New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, and Last Quarter. Lunar Surface: The Moon's surface is covered with craters, mountains, and plains. The darker areas are called maria, which are large, flat plains formed by ancient volcanic activity. The lighter areas are highlands, composed of mountains and impact craters. Synchronous Rotation: The Moon is tidally locked with Earth, meaning it always shows the same face to us. This phenomenon is known as "synchronous rotation" and is a result of the gravitational interaction between Earth and the Moon. MARS The Red Planet: Mars is often called the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance, caused by iron oxide (or rust) on its surface. It is the fourth planet from the Sun in our solar system. Similar to Earth: Mars is a terrestrial planet with similarities to Earth. It has a thin atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, polar ice caps, seasons, and a day length similar to Earth's. Exploration and Potential for Life: Mars has been extensively explored by robotic missions. Scientists are interested in Mars because it might have had conditions suitable for life in the past, and future missions aim to search for signs of past or present life on the planet. CERES Largest Asteroid: Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It is classified as a dwarf planet and is the only one located in the inner solar system. Composition and Size: Ceres is composed mostly of rock and ice, and it has a diameter of about 940 kilometers (590 miles). It accounts for about one-third of the total mass of the asteroid belt. Water Ice and Possible Subsurface Ocean: Observations from spacecraft have revealed that Ceres has significant amounts of water ice on its surface, particularly in its polar regions. There is also evidence to suggest the presence of a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust. ASTEROID BELT Location: Asteroid belts are regions of space located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The main asteroid belt, the most well-known and studied, is found in this region. Composition: Asteroid belts primarily consist of asteroids, which are rocky and metallic objects. These asteroids can vary in size, ranging from small boulders to large bodies several hundred kilometers in diameter. Origin: Asteroid belts are remnants of the early solar system's formation. They are composed of materials that did not coalesce to form planets due to the gravitational influence of Jupiter's powerful gravity. JUPITER Size and Composition: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, with a diameter of about 143,000 kilometers (89,000 miles). It is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, similar to the composition of the Sun, but it lacks the critical mass required to trigger nuclear fusion and become a star. Great Red Spot: Jupiter is well-known for its iconic feature called the Great Red Spot. It is a persistent high-pressure storm system, appearing as a large reddish-colored oval on the planet's surface. The Great Red Spot is a centuries-old storm that is larger than Earth itself. SATURN Rings of Saturn: Saturn's iconic rings are composed of countless icy particles ranging in size from micrometers to several meters. These rings are made visible by the sunlight reflecting off the particles, creating a stunning and distinct feature. Cassini Mission: The Cassini spacecraft, launched in 1997, provided a wealth of information about Saturn and its moons. It orbited Saturn for over 13 years and captured breathtaking images of the planet, its rings, and its moons. The mission concluded in 2017 with a controlled descent into Saturn's atmosphere. Hexagonal Storm: Saturn's north pole is home to a unique atmospheric phenomenon known as the hexagonal storm. This massive, persistently swirling storm forms a hexagonal shape and has a central vortex. The exact cause of this peculiar weather pattern is still under investigation. COMETS Composition: Comets are composed of ice, rock, dust, and organic compounds. Their icy nucleus contains a mixture of water, frozen gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane), and various types of solid particles. Orbits: Comets have elongated orbits that can take them far from the Sun, often originating from the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud. When a comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, the heat causes the ice to vaporize, creating a glowing coma and distinctive tails. Scientific Significance: Comets are of great scientific importance as they provide a window into the early solar system's formation. By studying comets, scientists can gain insights into the composition and processes that occurred during the formation of planets and other celestial bodies billions of years ago. Space missions have been launched to explore and gather data directly from comets, enhancing our understanding of these fascinating objects. URANUS Unique Tilt: Uranus is known for its extreme axial tilt, as it rotates on its side compared to other planets in the solar system. This tilt is believed to have resulted from a collision with a massive object early in its history, causing its axis to be tilted at an angle of about 98 degrees. Atmosphere: Uranus has a predominantly hydrogen and helium atmosphere, but it also contains traces of methane. This methane gives Uranus its distinctive blue-green color, as it absorbs red light and reflects blue and green light back into space. The atmosphere is characterized by high-speed winds, reaching speeds of up to 900 kilometers per hour (560 miles per hour). Moons and Rings: Uranus has 27 known moons, named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope. The five largest moons are Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon. Uranus also has a system of rings, although they are not as prominent as the rings of Saturn. The rings are relatively dark and composed of ice particles mixed with rocky material. NEPTUNE Position and Distance: Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system, located about 4.5 billion kilometers (2.8 billion miles) away from the Sun. It takes approximately 165 Earth years for Neptune to complete one orbit around the Sun. Composition and Atmosphere: Neptune is an ice giant planet composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, and ices such as water, methane, and ammonia. Its atmosphere contains a high proportion of methane, which gives it a striking blue color. The presence of methane absorbs red light and reflects blue light, resulting in its distinct appearance. Moons and Rings: Neptune has a system of rings and a collection of moons. The most notable moon is Triton, which is the seventh-largest moon in the solar system and the only large moon in the solar system to orbit in the opposite direction of its planet's rotation. Neptune has a total of 14 known moons, including Nereid, Proteus, and Larissa KUIPER BELT Location and Size: The Kuiper Belt is a vast region of the solar system located beyond Neptune's orbit, extending from about 30 to 55 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. It is estimated to be around 20 times wider and 200 times more massive than the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Composition and Objects: The Kuiper Belt is primarily composed of small icy bodies, including dwarf planets, comets, and a multitude of smaller objects known as Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). The most famous KBO is Pluto, which was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006. The region contains remnants from the early solar system and is believed to provide valuable insights into its formation and evolution. PLUTO Dwarf Planet: Pluto was once considered the ninth planet in our solar system but was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). It is located in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune's orbit. Characteristics: Pluto has a rocky core surrounded by a thin atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen, with traces of methane and carbon monoxide. It has five known moons, the largest of which is Charon, and its surface is covered in frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide. Pluto's orbit is highly elliptical, and it takes about 248 Earth years to complete one orbit around the Sun. Charon and Other Moons: Pluto has five known moons, with Charon being the largest and most well-known. Charon is so large relative to Pluto that they are sometimes considered a "binary system." The other moons of Pluto are Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, and Styx. OORT CLOUD Distant Region: The Oort Cloud is a hypothetical, vast, and mostly spherical region that is believed to exist in the outermost reaches of the solar system, far beyond the Kuiper Belt. It is thought to extend from about 2,000 to 200,000 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. Comet Reservoir: The Oort Cloud is believed to be the source of long-period comets, which are comets with orbital periods greater than 200 years. These comets originate from the Oort Cloud and are occasionally gravitationally perturbed, sending them on highly elliptical orbits that bring them into the inner solar system. Icy Objects: The Oort Cloud is presumed to contain trillions of icy bodies, composed primarily of volatile compounds such as water, methane, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. These objects are remnants from the early formation of the solar system and are thought to be relatively undisturbed since their creation billions of years ago.


    KEPLER-452b Kepler-452b, often referred to as "Earth's cousin," is an exoplanet that was discovered by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. It was announced as a significant discovery in July 2015. Here's a detailed explanation of Kepler-452b, including information about its characteristics, atmosphere, and the potential for extraterrestrial life 1. Characteristics of Kepler-452b: Size and Mass: Kepler-452b is considered a super-Earth, as it is larger than Earth, with an estimated radius about 1.6 times that of Earth. However, its exact mass is still uncertain, as it depends on its composition, which is not precisely known. Orbit: Kepler-452b orbits a star known as Kepler-452, which is very similar to our Sun in terms of both size and temperature. Its orbit around Kepler-452 takes approximately 385 days, making it roughly analogous to Earth's year. Distance from Star: Kepler-452b is located within the habitable zone of its parent star. The habitable zone, also known as the "Goldilocks zone," is the region around a star where conditions may be right for liquid water to exist on the planet's surface—a key factor for the potential development of life as we know it. Age: The host star Kepler-452 is older than our Sun, estimated to be around 6 billion years old, which could have allowed more time for life to potentially develop on Kepler-452b. ​ 2. Atmosphere of Kepler-452b: The exact composition and characteristics of Kepler-452b's atmosphere are not currently known. The detection and analysis of exoplanet atmospheres are challenging tasks and often require advanced instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope (scheduled for launch) to provide more detailed information. The presence and composition of an atmosphere are critical factors in determining the potential habitability of an exoplanet. An atmosphere can help regulate temperature, protect against harmful radiation, and play a role in supporting life processes. ​ 3. Potential for Extraterrestrial Life: Kepler-452b's location within the habitable zone of its star makes it an intriguing candidate for the potential existence of extraterrestrial life. The habitable zone represents the region where conditions might be suitable for liquid water, a fundamental ingredient for life as we know it, to exist on the planet's surface. However, the presence of liquid water alone does not guarantee the existence of life. Many other factors, such as the planet's atmosphere, geological activity, and the availability of essential chemical ingredients, would also influence its habitability. Detecting signs of life on Kepler-452b or any exoplanet is extremely challenging and would likely require advanced telescopes capable of analyzing the planet's atmosphere for biomarkers (e.g., oxygen and methane) or other potential signs of biological activity. Kepler-452b and Earth are both planets, but they have some significant differences, as well as similarities. Here's a comparison between the two: 1. Size and Mass: Earth: Earth is approximately 12,742 kilometers (7,918 miles) in diameter and has a mass of about 5.972 × 10^24 kilograms. Kepler-452b: Kepler-452b is estimated to be about 1.6 times the size (radius) of Earth, but its mass is not precisely known. It's considered a super-Earth. 2. Orbit and Parent Star: Earth: Earth orbits the Sun, a G-type main-sequence star (G2V), at an average distance of about 149.6 million kilometers (93 million miles). Kepler-452b: Kepler-452b orbits a G-type main-sequence star (G2V) known as Kepler-452, which is very similar to the Sun. Its orbital period is approximately 385 Earth days. 3. Habitability and Atmosphere: Earth: Earth has a diverse and life-sustaining atmosphere composed primarily of nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%), with trace amounts of other gases. It has liquid water on its surface and a stable climate, making it highly habitable. Kepler-452b: The exact composition of Kepler-452b's atmosphere is not known, and its habitability is still uncertain. It's located within the habitable zone of its star, indicating the potential for liquid water, but more information about its atmosphere is needed to assess its suitability for life. 4. Age: Earth: Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Kepler-452b: The host star Kepler-452 is estimated to be about 6 billion years old, making it older than the Sun. This could have implications for the potential development of life on the planet. 5. Surface Conditions: Earth: Earth has a diverse range of surface conditions, including continents, oceans, and various climate zones. It supports a wide variety of life forms and ecosystems. Kepler-452b: The specific surface conditions of Kepler-452b, such as the presence of oceans or continents, are not known due to limited observational data. 6. Potential for Extraterrestrial Life: Earth: Earth is known to host a vast array of life, from microorganisms to complex multicellular organisms, including humans. Kepler-452b: Kepler-452b is considered a potentially habitable exoplanet due to its location within the habitable zone, but the presence of extraterrestrial life on the planet is purely speculative at this point. More research and observations are needed to assess its habitability and the potential for life. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Site Map | SPACELIA

    Site Map overview of site Solar System Sun Hit me for more information Mercury Hit me for more information Venus Hit me for more information Earth Hit me for more information Moon Hit me for more information Mars Hit me for more information Ceres Hit me for more information Asteroid Belt Hit me for more information Jupiter Hit me for more information Saturn Hit me for more information Comets Hit me for more information Uranus Hit me for more information Neptune Hit me for more information Kuiper Belt Hit me for more information Pluto Hit me for more information Oort Cloud Hit me for more information Research Star Formation Hit me for more information Nebula Observation Hit me for more information Solar Flare Detection Hit me for more information The Big Bang Effect Hit me for more information Existence of Alien civilization Hit me for more information Antient Literature & Geography Hit me for more information We are living in matrix Hit me for more information Net mass of our universe Hit me for more information Time Dilation Effect Hit me for more information Nearest Star System Hit me for more information KEPLER-452b Hit me for more information KEPLER-186f Hit me for more information Proxima Centauri b Hit me for more information Trappist-1 Hit me for more information LHS 1140b Hit me for more information Black Hole Hit me for more information Worm Hole Hit me for more information Age of our Universe Hit me for more information Religious Point of view Hit me for more information Existence of Multiverse Hit me for more information White Hole Hit me for more information Theories Time is not constant Hit me for more information Origin Of Earth Hit me for more information The Big Bang Theory Hit me for more information General Relativity Theory Hit me for more information Heat Death of the Universe Hit me for more information Multiness of Thoughts Hit me for more information Quantum Theory Hit me for more information Hubble's Law Hit me for more information Cosmic Inflaction Hit me for more information String Theory Hit me for more information Dark Metter Theory Hit me for more information Dark Energy Hit me for more information Multiverse Theory Hit me for more information Tagmark's Four Levels of Multiverse Hit me for more information Apple In a Box Hit me for more information Simulation Theory Hit me for more information Special Relativity Theory Hit me for more information Twin Paradox Hit me for more information Quantum Entanglement Hit me for more information The Infinite Hotel Paradox Hit me for more information The Rare Earth Hit me for more information The Great Silence Hit me for more information The Great Filter Hit me for more information The Early Bird Hit me for more information Theory of Creati Hit me for more information The Grandfather Paradox Hit me for more information We are nothing.... Hit me for more information Today Onward Theory Hit me for more information Chess Square Theory Hit me for more information We Are Our GOD Hit me for more information The Femi Paradox Hit me for more information String Theory Hit me for more information Space Facts The Great Attractor Hit me for more information Age of Water Hit me for more information Gliese 436 B Hit me for more information The oldest planet Hit me for more information GJ 1214B Hit me for more information HD 140283 Hit me for more information Deja Vu effect Hit me for more information Milky way galaxy Hit me for more information Speed of Light Hit me for more information Travel at speed of light Hit me for more information Speed of Light 2 Hit me for more information Time Dilation Hit me for more information Epsilon Eridani Star System Hit me for more information Strange Planets Hit me for more information Space Facts-1 Hit me for more information PSR J1719 1438B Hit me for more information Center of Mass Hit me for more information Center of Mass Hit me for more information What is Time? Hit me for more information Why we should not make contact with aliens right now Hit me for more information Quantum Elevator Hit me for more information Bennu Asteroid Hit me for more information Voyagers Golden Record Hit me for more information WARP Drive Hit me for more information Psyche Asteroid Hit me for more information Earendel Star Hit me for more information Articles STAR VFTS102 Hit me for more information Dark Energy Hit me for more information Multiness of Thoughts Hit me for more information Zombie Planets Hit me for more information The Dream Mission Hit me for more information Creation of Mind Loop Hit me for more information Osiris-REx Mission Hit me for more information Chandra X-Ray Observatory Hit me for more information Aditya L-1 - Exploration of SUN Hit me for more information Discoveries Hubble's Discoveries Hit me for more information Hubble's Deep Field Hit me for more information Hubble's Star Clusters Hit me for more information Hubble's Nebulae Hit me for more information Hubble's Galaxies Hit me for more information Hubble's Galaxy Discovery Hit me for more information Hubble's Nebula Discovery Hit me for more information Hubble's Planetary Discovery Hit me for more information Kepler Telescope Hit me for more information Nasa's Time Line Hit me for more information Space Discoveries of 2019 Hit me for more information Space Discoveries of 2021 Hit me for more information

  • Dark Energy | SPACELIA

    Dark Energy In the late 1990s, astronomers found evidence that the expansion of the universe was not slowing down due to gravity as expected. Instead, the expansion speed was increasing. Something had to be powering this accelerating universe and, in part due to its unknown nature, this “something” was called dark energy. What Is Dark Energy? In the late 1990s, astronomers found evidence that the expansion of the universe was not slowing down due to gravity as expected. Instead, the expansion speed was increasing. Something had to be powering this accelerating universe and, in part due to its unknown nature, this “something” was called dark energy. Hubble plays an important role in verifying, characterizing and constraining dark energy. Both Hubble and ground-based observations measures a special type of stellar explosion, a white dwarf supernova, to measure accurate distances to galaxies. ​ A galaxy located a billion light-years away provides a data point for the universe as it was a billion years ago. Meanwhile, as the universe expands, the light traveling to Earth from distant galaxies (and their supernovas) is stretched out to longer wavelengths — a phenomenon called cosmological redshift. The cosmological redshifts of galaxies at different distances provides a history of the expansion of the universe over time. However, only Hubble had the resolution to extend these observations to very distant galaxies. The discovery of supernova 1997ff, located about 10 billion light-years away, provided evidence for dark energy. About halfway into the universe’s history — several billion years ago — dark energy became dominant and the expansion accelerated. While ground-based studies had measured this accelerating period, Hubble’s observation of 1997ff stretched back to the decelerating part of the expansion. This shift between two different eras of the universe — a change from a decelerating universe to an accelerating universe — showed that dark energy exists. Hubble continued to explore the nature of dark energy with observations such as the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), structured to help uncover distant supernovas. The 42 supernovas found by Hubble not only solidified the conclusions about dark energy, but also began to constrain some of its possible explanations. Later Hubble results identified how early in the universe dark energy began to influence the expansion as well as constrained the current expansion rate. ​ The view that emerged was that dark energy was consistent with the slow, steady force of Einstein’s cosmological constant, a concept that the physicist had initially introduced into his equations to prevent his theoretical universe from collapsing, then later retracted when the expansion of the universe was discovered. But instead of holding the universe in a steady state, dark energy is pushing outward to expand the universe faster and faster. The discovery of dark energy was recognized by the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2011. Astronomers now know that there is much more to the universe than meets the eye. The luminous and non-luminous normal matter makes up about 4 percent of the total mass and energy density of the universe. Dark matter, which emits no light and cannot be directly observed, comprises another 24 percent of the total, while dark energy dominates with about 72 percent. Most of the universe is unknown and only indirectly detected. We can see its effects on galaxies and the expansion of the universe, but we have yet to identify the underlying source. That may seem unsettling, but to a scientist, it is exciting. There are more great mysteries to explore and solve! The universe is expanding, and that expansion stretches light traveling through space in a phenomenon known as cosmological redshift. The greater the redshift, the greater the distance the light has traveled. Within the Hubble Deep Field-North region, astronomers pinpointed a blaze of light from one of the farthest supernovas ever seen. In a close-up view of that region (left) a white arrow points to a faint elliptical, the home of the exploding SN 1997ff. The supernova itself (right) is distinguished by the white dot in the center. This diagram reveals changes in the rate of expansion since the universe's birth 15 billion years ago. The more shallow the curve, the faster the rate of expansion. The curve changes noticeably about 7.5 billion years ago, when objects in the universe began flying apart as a faster rate. Astronomers theorize that the faster expansion rate is due to a mysterious, dark force that is pulling galaxies apart. This image is a portion of the GOODS-North field. The field features approximately 15,000 galaxies, about 12,000 of which are forming stars. Hubble’s ultraviolet vision opened a new window on the evolving universe, tracking the birth of stars over the last 11 billion years back to the cosmos’ busiest star-forming period about 3 billion years after the big bang. Spiral galaxy NGC 3021 (background) was one of several hosts of Type Ia supernovae observed by astronomers to refine the measure of the universe's expansion rate, called the Hubble constant. Hubble made precise measurements of Cepheid variable stars in the galaxy, highlighted by green circles in the inset boxes. Other Articles...... Zombie Planets Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Forum | SPACELIA

    Untuk melihat ini berfungsi, buka situs aktif Anda. Semua Postingan Kategori Postingan Saya Masuk/Daftar Forum Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions. Sortir Menurut: Aktivitas Terbaru Ikuti Semua Kategori Create New Post Aagam sanghavi Welcome to the Forum pada General Discussion Share your thoughts. Feel free to add GIFs, videos, hashtags and more to your posts and comments. Get started by commenting below. 0 komentar 0 08 Nov 2023 Suka 0 komentar Komentar Aagam sanghavi Forum rules pada General Discussion We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: • Respect each other • Keep posts relevant to the forum topic • No spamming 0 komentar 0 08 Nov 2023 Suka 0 komentar Komentar Aagam sanghavi Introduce yourself pada General Discussion We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments. 0 komentar 0 08 Nov 2023 Suka 0 komentar Komentar Forum - Frameless

  • Theories | SPACELIA

    Theories Scientific explanation of any topic Time Is Not Constant only one thing is constant and it is a change. okay for some reason i thought time is constant so when something is come from nothing so nothing is consist nothing not time also. so yes the question is when vacume is consist nothing so time is not constant. but here is a Einstein's Relativity theory is proved wrong as per this perspactive but no everything is right in it's limits. Origin Of Earth Origin of our universe is from big bang effect. and origin of our galaxy is to collab of two galaxies, but origin of our earth is ? , origin of our earth is from sun because age of our galaxy is roughly 13.6 billion years and age of our sun is 4.6 billion years and age of our earth is 4.5 billion years, so the origin of our earth is from sun as per my perspective. exploit on suns surface core is a origin of all planets and asteroids, exploit of sun and other rock is origin of our moon. so this is my basic phenomena. The BIg-Bang Theory The early theory of origin of origin of universe is The Big Bang Theory. which consist a nebular exploidation of two nebulas. this theory is a strongest theory of the origin of universe. when big bang cause dark mater and all galaxies are origin. all things of our universe is cause in this time. scientist strongly work on this theory. Georges Lemaitre || 1894 - 1966 General Relativity Theory The theory of relativity is a scientific theory proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 and 1915 that fundamentally changed our understanding of space, time, and gravity. It has two main parts: Special relativity: which deals with objects moving at constant speeds, and shows that time is relative to the observer and that objects appear differently depending on the observer's position and motion. General relativity: which deals with the force of gravity and shows that it is not a force at all, but rather the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. Albert Einstein || 1905 Heat Death Of The Universe The heat death of the universe theory proposes that, over an immense span of time, the universe will gradually reach a state of maximum entropy and energy equilibrium. As the universe expands, the average energy density decreases, leading to a cooling effect. Eventually, all usable energy will be uniformly distributed and no longer available for work or sustaining life. This scenario predicts the loss of structure, complexity, and organization as energy dissipates, resulting in a cold, sparse, and lifeless universe. Lord Kelvin || 1850 Multiness Of Thoughts What we are experiencing right now, whether we have a dream or a thought represents our future, it means that what we think will happen to us, so always keep positive thinking. You may have seen the movie Interstellar where a man controls the fourth diamentio from the future and how our present is connected to our past, this basic concept is what I call the concept of Multiness of Thoughts. this concept is also connected with quantum theories, because this theory also say that all thigs which we see is create with our thoughts and after we see it's die immediately. Quantum Theory Quantum theory, also known as quantum mechanics, is a foundational theory in physics that describes the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. It introduces the concept of quantized energy levels, probabilistic behavior, and the wave-particle duality. Quantum theory revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world, providing a mathematical framework to calculate probabilities and predict particle interactions. Its applications range from explaining the behavior of atoms and molecules to enabling technologies like quantum computing and quantum cryptography. Quantum theory has fundamentally transformed our understanding of the nature of reality and continues to shape our exploration of the fundamental workings of the universe. Niels Bohr & Max Planck || 1900 Hubble's Law Hubble's Law, named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble, states that galaxies are moving away from us, and the farther they are, the faster they are receding. This law is based on the observation that the light from distant galaxies is shifted towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, known as redshift. Hubble's Law provides evidence for the expansion of the universe and serves as a cornerstone of modern cosmology. By studying the redshift of galaxies, scientists can determine their distance and calculate the rate of cosmic expansion. Hubble's Law has contributed significantly to our understanding of the origin, evolution, and large-scale structure of the universe. Edwin Hubble's || 1929 Cosmic Inflation Cosmic inflation theory proposes that the universe underwent an extremely rapid expansion, known as cosmic inflation, in the earliest moments of its existence. This theory suggests that, shortly after the Big Bang, a tiny patch of space expanded exponentially, causing the universe to rapidly expand and flatten out. Cosmic inflation helps explain several observations, such as the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation and the overall large-scale structure of the universe. It also provides a possible solution to the horizon problem and the flatness problem in cosmology. While cosmic inflation remains a theoretical concept, it has gained widespread acceptance and is considered a crucial component of our current understanding of the early universe. Alan Guth || 1980 String Theory String theory is a theoretical framework in physics that aims to unify all the fundamental forces and particles of nature. It proposes that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but tiny, vibrating strings of energy. These strings exist in higher-dimensional spacetime and their vibrations give rise to different particles with various properties. String theory offers a promising path towards reconciling general relativity and quantum mechanics, two foundational theories that currently appear incompatible. It also suggests the existence of additional dimensions beyond the familiar three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. String theory is still an area of active research and has sparked numerous developments in theoretical physics, including the concept of holography and new insights into quantum gravity and black hole physics. Gabriele Veneziano || 1969 Dark Matter Theory Dark matter theory proposes the existence of a type of matter that does not interact with light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation but exerts a gravitational influence on visible matter. It is called "dark" because it does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible and difficult to detect directly. Dark matter is inferred from its gravitational effects on galaxies and galaxy clusters, explaining the observed rotation curves of galaxies and the dynamics of galactic clusters. The exact nature of dark matter remains unknown, and its composition is a subject of ongoing research. The existence of dark matter is a crucial component in current cosmological models, accounting for a significant portion of the mass in the universe and shaping the large-scale structure we observe. Fritz Zwicky || 1933 Dark Energy Theory Dark energy theory is a concept in physics that attempts to explain the observed accelerated expansion of the universe. It suggests the existence of a mysterious form of energy that permeates all of space and drives this expansion. Dark energy is thought to possess negative pressure, counteracting the gravitational pull of matter and causing the universe to expand at an increasing rate. Its nature and origin remain elusive, with potential explanations ranging from a cosmological constant, as proposed by Einstein, to more exotic possibilities like quintessence or modifications of general relativity. Dark energy constitutes a significant fraction of the total energy density in the universe, but its precise properties and role in cosmic evolution continue to be active areas of scientific investigation. Adam Riess || 1998 Multiverse Theory Multiverse theory is a speculative concept in cosmology and theoretical physics that suggests the existence of multiple universes or parallel realities beyond our own observable universe. According to this theory, each universe within the multiverse could have its own unique physical laws, constants, and properties. The idea of a multiverse arises from attempts to explain various fundamental questions, such as the fine-tuning of physical constants and the origin of our universe. While there are different versions of multiverse theory, they generally propose that the vastness of possibilities extends beyond what we can observe, and that our universe is just one among countless others. The concept of a multiverse is still highly speculative and remains a topic of philosophical and scientific debate, with ongoing research exploring its potential implications and ways to test its validity. William James || 1895 Tagmark's Four Levels of Multiverse The concept of the multiverse is indeed a subject of ongoing scientific exploration and theoretical discussion. Some theories propose different levels or types of multiverse based on various hypotheses, such as: Level I Multiverse: This level of multiverse is based on the idea of an infinite or vastly large universe, where regions far beyond what we can observe contain regions similar to our observable universe. This concept arises from cosmic inflation theory. Level II Multiverse: This level of multiverse is related to the idea of bubble universes within an inflating space. According to eternal inflation theory, our universe could be just one of many "bubbles" embedded in a larger multiverse. Level III Multiverse: This level of multiverse stems from the concept of a "many-worlds interpretation" of quantum mechanics. It suggests that every quantum event spawns multiple parallel universes, resulting in a branching multiverse where every possible outcome of quantum events occurs in a different universe. Level IV Multiverse: This level of multiverse is often associated with the idea of mathematical or logical universes. It suggests that all conceivable mathematical structures or logical systems exist as separate universes. Max Tagmark Apple in a Box Spatial reasoning or problem-solving: In mathematics or logic puzzles, there are scenarios where you might have to imagine an apple placed inside a box and analyze its properties or movements within that confined space. Thought experiment: Philosophers and scientists often use thought experiments to explore concepts and theories. The "apple in a box" could represent a hypothetical situation used to illustrate a particular idea or phenomenon. Teaching tool: Teachers and educators might use the phrase "apple in a box" to simplify complex concepts for students, making it easier for them to understand and visualize abstract ideas. Perception and reality: The phrase might be used metaphorically to explore the difference between what we perceive (the apple in the box) and what objectively exists (the actual state of the apple). Simulation Theory Virtual Reality Hypothesis: Simulation theory proposes that our entire reality, including the universe and all its inhabitants, might be a computer-generated simulation created by an advanced civilization. Technological Mastery: The theory assumes that a highly developed society could create simulations indistinguishable from reality, complete with conscious beings who believe they are living genuine lives. Existential Questions: Simulation theory raises philosophical questions about the nature of consciousness, the meaning of existence, and the potential layers of reality, challenging conventional understandings of the universe. Speculative Nature: While captivating, simulation theory lacks empirical evidence and serves as a thought experiment that encourages us to ponder the nature of reality and our place within an intricate, simulated cosmos. Nick Bostrom | 2003 Special Relativity Theory Special relativity theory, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905, is a fundamental theory in physics that revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and motion. It introduces two key principles: Constancy of the Speed of Light: The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their relative motion. This means that the speed of light is an absolute constant. Relativity of Space and Time: Space and time are not absolute but depend on the observer's motion. Time can appear to pass differently for moving objects, and lengths can appear shorter when an object moves at high speeds. Special relativity has been extensively tested and confirmed, and it forms the basis for modern physics, helping us understand phenomena at high speeds and near the speed of light. Albert Einstirn || 1905 Twin Paradox The twin paradox is a thought experiment arising from Einstein's theory of special relativity. It involves two identical twins: one stays on Earth, while the other travels into space at a high speed and then returns. Due to time dilation, the traveling twin ages less than the twin who remained on Earth. This seems paradoxical, but it's resolved by considering the effects of acceleration and relative motion on time and space. The twin paradox illustrates the counterintuitive nature of time dilation and the relativistic effects predicted by special relativity. It's been confirmed through experiments and is a fundamental example of how the theory challenges our everyday understanding of time and motion.​ Quantum Entanglement Quantum entanglement is a bizarre, counterintuitive phenomenon that explains how two subatomic particles can be intimately linked to each other even if separated by billions of light-years of space. Despite their vast separation, a change induced in one will affect the other. In 1964, physicist John Bell posited that such changes can be induced and occur instantaneously, even if the particles are very far apart. Bell's Theorem is regarded as an important idea in modern physics, but it conflicts with other well-established principles of physics. For example, Albert Einstein had shown years before Bell proposed his theorem that information cannot travel faster than the speed of light . Perplexed, Einstein famously described this entanglement phenomenon as "spooky action at a distance." Erwin Schrödinger || 1935 The Infinite Hotel Paradox The Infinite Hotel Paradox is a mind-bending thought experiment in mathematics and philosophy. Imagine a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, and every room is occupied by a guest. When a new guest arrives and wants a room, the manager can still accommodate them by simply asking each current guest to move to the room with a number one higher than their current room. This frees up room 1 for the new guest. What's truly astonishing is that this process can be repeated infinitely, accommodating an infinite number of new guests in a seemingly already full hotel. It challenges our intuitive understanding of finite and infinite quantities, showcasing the paradoxical nature of infinity in a captivating way. David Hilbert's Theory Of Creation The theory of creation, often rooted in religious or mythological beliefs, posits that the universe, Earth, and all living beings were intentionally brought into existence by a divine or supernatural force. Various cultures and religions have their own creation narratives, such as the Judeo-Christian account of God creating the world in seven days, or the Hindu belief in the cosmic dance of Lord Shiva as the source of creation. These theories often serve as explanations for the origins of the cosmos and life itself, offering a framework for understanding our existence and our place in the universe. While the theory of creation is deeply ingrained in cultural and spiritual traditions, it coexists alongside scientific theories of evolution and cosmology, sparking ongoing discussions and debates about the nature of our origins. Charles Darwin || 1859 Grandfather Paradox The grandfather paradox is a thought experiment in the realm of time travel and theoretical physics. It revolves around a hypothetical situation where a person travels back in time and encounters their own grandfather before their grandfather has children. The paradox arises when the time traveler interferes with the past in a way that prevents their own existence. For example, if the time traveler were to prevent their grandparents from meeting or somehow cause their grandfather's death before he could have children, it would create a logical inconsistency. If the time traveler was never born, how could they have traveled back in time in the first place to create the interference? The grandfather paradox raises questions about the nature of time, causality, and the possible consequences of time travel. It's often discussed in discussions about the feasibility and potential paradoxes associated with time travel, but it also highlights some of the challenging problems that arise when contemplating journeys through time. We are nothing.... What is vacuum?, How is vacuum formed?, We believe that there is no air at all in vacuum, meaning vacuum is an empty substance which is completely empty, do you understand this? Wrong, vacuum is not empty matter, vacuum is the space formed by the formation of matter and antimatter. I believe that in this universe of ours, there is an anti-avatar of all the things, like the white hole of the black hole, similarly the anti-matter of the matter. So what are we?, we are also a matter, so can we also have any anti form, absolutely possible, that is why it is called vacuum, and this is how our entire universe is formed, if we say If something came from nothing, then that means we are that nothing. In the end this entire space becomes zero, so can we call ourselves nothing? Chess Square Theory COMING SOON............. Visit Now Parallel World Travel We have heard a lot about time travel, it feels good to hear it but only in imagination and theories, we already know the rest of the reality, but today we have brought another theory in front of you which can happen in the past. There is a thesis based on the above but yes, you will definitely feel happy after reading it. Visit Now We are our GOD This perspective posits that while we are not divine beings, we do possess the capacity to control and manipulate our own destinies, akin to gods in our own right. Drawing parallels with the movie Interstellar, the notion of being the orchestrator of our lives is highlighted. The theory extends to addressing various enigmas such as the Egyptian pyramids and sightings of UFOs, attributing them to our relationship with space. It promises to unravel mysteries and provide answers, though it also emphasizes the importance of mindset in adopting such a worldview. Visit Now The Fermi Paradox The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations existing in the vast universe and the lack of any observable evidence or contact with such civilizations. Considering the sheer number of potentially habitable planets, the age of the universe, and the speed at which life emerged on Earth, it seems logical that other advanced civilizations should exist. However, there are various proposed solutions to this paradox, ranging from the possibility that life is rare, to the idea that advanced civilizations self-destruct, or that they communicate in ways we cannot yet detect. Despite extensive efforts, we have not found conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, leaving the Fermi Paradox as a major unresolved question in science. Inflationary Cosmology Inflationary cosmology, proposed by Alan Guth in 1980, suggests a rapid expansion of space in the early universe driven by an inflaton field, addressing puzzles in standard Big Bang cosmology. Supported by observations like cosmic microwave background radiation, inflation explains the universe's uniformity and predicts a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of density fluctuations. Challenges include the initial conditions problem and implications for a multiverse, but inflation remains a key area of cosmological research, shaping our understanding of the universe's early history. Visit Now Blackhole Information Paradox The Black Hole Information Paradox presents a fundamental challenge in reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity within the context of black holes. It arises from the apparent loss of information beyond the event horizon, contradicting the principle of information conservation in quantum mechanics. Proposed solutions include Hawking radiation, the firewall paradox, holographic principles, and theories of quantum gravity such as string theory. Despite ongoing research, a definitive resolution to this paradox remains elusive, representing a crucial frontier in theoretical physics. Visit Now String Theory String theory proposes that fundamental particles aren't point-like but instead tiny, vibrating strings. It attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity, aiming for a unified theory of physics. String theory posits extra dimensions beyond the usual three spatial dimensions and one time dimension, offering a framework for understanding the fundamental nature of reality. However, it remains a highly speculative and mathematically complex theory without experimental confirmation. Visit Now

  • LHS 1140b | SPACELIA

    LHS 1140b LHS 1140b is an exoplanet that orbits the red dwarf star LHS 1140, which is located in the constellation Cetus, approximately 41 light-years away from Earth. Discovered in 2017, LHS 1140b has garnered significant attention in the field of exoplanet research due to its potential for habitability and its relatively close proximity to our solar system. Here's a detailed explanation of LHS 1140b, including information about its characteristics, atmosphere, and the potential for extraterrestrial life Basic Characteristics: Size and Type: LHS 1140b is a super-Earth, which means it is larger than Earth but smaller than gas giants like Neptune. It has a radius about 1.4 times that of Earth. Orbit: It orbits its host star, LHS 1140, which is a red dwarf star, in the habitable zone. The habitable zone is the region around a star where conditions may be right for liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet, a crucial factor for the potential of life as we know it. 2. Atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets: Information about the specific composition and characteristics of the atmospheres of the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets is not fully known. Detecting and characterizing exoplanet atmospheres is a challenging task that requires advanced telescopes and instruments. Astronomers have conducted studies to analyze the potential atmospheres of these exoplanets. The presence of atmospheres would be an essential factor in determining their habitability and potential for hosting life. Habitability Factors: Temperature: LHS 1140b's location in the habitable zone suggests that it may have the right temperatures for liquid water, a key ingredient for life, to exist on its surface. Stable Environment: Being in a stable orbit around a red dwarf star, LHS 1140b is less likely to experience extreme variations in radiation, making it more suitable for habitability. Challenges to Habitability: Red dwarf stars like LHS 1140 are known for their propensity to emit high levels of X-ray and ultraviolet radiation, which can be harmful to potential atmospheres and surface conditions. However, LHS 1140b's proximity to its host star may help protect it from excessive radiation. Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Detecting signs of extraterrestrial life on LHS 1140b would require advanced instruments and observational techniques, including studying the planet's atmosphere for biosignatures such as oxygen, methane, and other chemical imbalances that could indicate biological activity. Upcoming space telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and advanced ground-based observatories will play a crucial role in characterizing exoplanets like LHS 1140b and searching for signs of life. Comparison with Earth LHS 1140b and Earth are two vastly different planets, each with its own unique characteristics. Here's a comparison between the two: Size and Composition: LHS 1140b: LHS 1140b is classified as a super-Earth, meaning it is larger than Earth. It has a radius about 1.4 times that of Earth. Its composition is not well-known, but it is believed to be a rocky planet like Earth. Earth: Earth is a terrestrial planet with a well-documented composition. It has a radius of approximately 6,371 kilometers and is primarily composed of rock and metal. Distance from its Star: LHS 1140b: LHS 1140b orbits its host star, LHS 1140, at a much closer distance than Earth orbits the Sun. This proximity to its star means that LHS 1140b likely has a shorter orbital period, potentially resulting in different climate and weather patterns compared to Earth. Earth: Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 149.6 million kilometers (93 million miles). This distance places it in the habitable zone, allowing for the existence of liquid water and the relatively stable climate conditions that have supported life for billions of years. Host Star: LHS 1140b: LHS 1140b orbits a red dwarf star known as LHS 1140. Red dwarfs are cooler and smaller than our Sun, which can have implications for the conditions on planets orbiting them. Earth: Earth orbits a G-type main-sequence star, which is often referred to as a yellow dwarf. The Sun is much hotter and larger than LHS 1140, providing Earth with a different energy source. Atmosphere and Climate: LHS 1140b: The composition of LHS 1140b's atmosphere is not well-known, but it's a crucial factor for habitability. Its climate and weather patterns would be influenced by its proximity to its star and the composition of its atmosphere. Earth: Earth has a diverse atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), which is essential for supporting life as we know it. Earth's atmosphere plays a critical role in regulating its temperature and climate. Potential for Life: LHS 1140b: LHS 1140b is considered a potentially habitable exoplanet due to its location in the habitable zone. However, the presence of life or conditions suitable for life on LHS 1140b is purely speculative at this point and requires further study. Earth: Earth is the only known planet with confirmed life. It has a rich diversity of life forms, from microorganisms to complex multicellular organisms, including humans. Related Articles....... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-452b KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b

  • Internship | SPACELIA

    Internship Research Opportunities at Spacelia Researcher Join our research program and research on different domains, write articles and send to us, we approve it and post it to our website. get opportunity to work with our scientists and contribute for us. Enroll now by filling following form and get certificate after completing this internship Exoplanet Discoveries Are we alone in this universe?...... we don't know exact answer of this question, let's join us to find answer of this question. we will like to work with you. Enroll by filling following form and enjoy our company with you. Universe Exploration Exploration of universe and finding vastness of the universe. How universe form and many more mysteries related to universe. Fill the following form to enroll in this program and get certificate after completing. Give your contribution Join the Internship program Fill this form to work with us and get experience of space exploration. After internship you will get certificate also. Position I'm applying for Apply Now Thanks for submitting!

  • Articles | SPACELIA

    Research Papers Articles STAR VFTS102 We present a spectroscopic analysis of an extremely rapidly rotating late O-type star, VFTS102, observed during a spectroscopic survey of 30 Doradus. VFTS102 has a projected rotational velocity larger than 500 km s−1 and probably as large as 600 km s−1; as such it would appear to be the most rapidly rotating massive star currently identified. Its radial velocity differs by 40 km s−1 from the mean for 30 Doradus, suggesting that it is a runaway. View More Dark Energy In the late 1990s, astronomers found evidence that the expansion of the universe was not slowing down due to gravity as expected. Instead, the expansion speed was increasing. Something had to be powering this accelerating universe and, in part due to its unknown nature, this “something” was called dark energy. View More Zombie Planet Zombie planets, also known as "pulsar planets" or "planets around pulsars," are a fascinating and relatively rare astronomical phenomenon. View More The Dream Mission People must have had many dreams and those dreams would be very unique, but my dream is very unique. Today I will share with you this dream journey full of very interesting and adventures. In this dream of mine, I have done the complete mission of Mars and there are many twists in that too, which I will tell you further in this article. The article is The Dream Mission View More Creation of Mind Loop What we doing, what we experiencing, what we thinking is a creation of mind, and it's just a thoughts View More

  • Trappist-1 System | SPACELIA

    Map of Trappist-1 star system Trappist-1 System Heliocentric system is a fully functional detail map of our solar system with sun and all planets and natural satellites of all planets, asteroids and comets also. we designed this map as natural and graphical and easy to understand our solar system at first time. Trappist-1 b c d e f g h

  • Age of our Universe | SPACELIA

    Age of our Universe Coming Soon.......

  • Chandrayan-3 | SPACELIA

    Chandrayaan-3: India's Next Lunar Odyssey India has made remarkable strides in space exploration over the past few decades, and one of its most ambitious projects is the Chandrayaan series. Following the success of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for the next mission in this lunar exploration series - Chandrayaan-3. This article explores the history, objectives, budget, and significance of Chandrayaan-3. Introduction India has made remarkable strides in space exploration over the past few decades, and one of its most ambitious projects is the Chandrayaan series. Following the success of Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is gearing up for the next mission in this lunar exploration series - Chandrayaan-3. This article explores the history, objectives, budget, and significance of Chandrayaan-3. History of Chandrayan Missions Chandrayaan-1, India's maiden lunar mission, was launched in October 2008. It made significant contributions to lunar science by discovering water molecules on the moon's surface and mapping its topography. Despite a shorter-than-expected mission life, Chandrayaan-1 marked a monumental achievement for ISRO. ​ Chandrayaan-2, launched in July 2019, was India's second lunar exploration mission and aimed to further our understanding of the moon. It included an orbiter, a lander (Vikram), and a rover (Pragyan). While the lander failed to make a soft landing, the orbiter continues to provide valuable data about the moon. ​ Chandrayaan-3: The Next Frontier ​ Chandrayaan-3 is the much-anticipated follow-up mission in India's lunar exploration program. The primary objective of Chandrayaan-3 is to successfully land a rover on the moon's surface, building upon the experience and technology developed during Chandrayaan-2. ​ Key Objectives of Chandrayaan-3: Lunar Surface Exploration: Chandrayaan-3 will carry a rover to explore the moon's surface, collecting valuable data about its geology, mineral composition, and topography. Scientific Research: The rover will conduct scientific experiments to enhance our understanding of the moon's history and evolution, helping unravel mysteries about our closest celestial neighbor. International Collaboration: ISRO plans to collaborate with international space agencies and institutions, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and expertise in lunar science and exploration. Budget and Funding The budget for Chandrayaan-3 is estimated to be around $200 million, making it a cost-effective lunar mission compared to many other international counterparts. ISRO has a track record of delivering successful missions within budget constraints, showcasing its efficient use of resources. ​ Challenges and Preparations Landing on the moon is no small feat, and ISRO is well aware of the challenges that lie ahead. Learning from the lessons of Chandrayaan-2, ISRO has undertaken extensive preparations, including rigorous testing and simulation exercises, to ensure the successful soft landing of the rover. ​ The recent advancements in technology and lessons learned from previous missions are expected to enhance the chances of success for Chandrayaan-3. ISRO's commitment to perfection and determination to push the boundaries of space exploration remain unwavering. ​ Significance of Chandrayaan-3 Chandrayaan-3 holds immense significance for India and the global scientific community: Advancing Lunar Exploration: Successful implementation of Chandrayaan-3 will demonstrate India's capabilities in lunar exploration, strengthening its position in the global space community. Scientific Discoveries: The data collected by the rover will contribute to a deeper understanding of the moon's geological history and may provide insights into the broader processes of planetary evolution. International Collaboration: Collaborative efforts with other space agencies foster knowledge exchange, making Chandrayaan-3 a collaborative effort for the betterment of scientific understanding. Conclusion Chandrayaan-3 represents another significant step in India's journey of space exploration, building upon the successes and experiences of previous missions. With its budget-conscious approach, ISRO aims to prove once again that cutting-edge science and technology can be achieved efficiently. As we eagerly await the launch of Chandrayaan-3, the world looks forward to the scientific discoveries and advancements that it will undoubtedly bring to the field of lunar exploration. Chat Section If you have any question ask me here.... Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

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  • Worm Hole | SPACELIA

    Worm Hole Let's begin the curvature of worm hole What is a worm hole?, how are worm holes formed?, and what is the function of a worm hole?, I will tell you all this in this article today, so first let's talk about what a worm hole is, how these worm holes are made and How it works, so worm hole connects two different places in space, just like a bridge, so that we can cover long distances in a short time, as you see in the image below, worm hole space. It bends like this and we can show it as a circle and a circle is a sphere in 3D, so the worm hole is also like a sphere. By traveling in this, you can bridge the distance between two places in a very short time, but a big question is that how are worm holes formed? We have heard about black holes that they are formed after supernova, but worm holes are We do not know how they are formed, worm holes are not a natural phenomenon, we have to create them artificially. But till date we have not succeeded in creating such a big worm hole, we have definitely done this test on a very small level but it is not enough for a human being, so only some advanced civilization can do this in the future. You are controlling us and they can create a worm hole just like the interstellar movie.

  • The Arecibo Message | SPACELIA

    The Arecibo Message In 1974, humanity took a bold step into the unknown. From the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, a powerful radio signal pierced the night sky. This wasn’t your typical astronomical observation; it was a deliberate message aimed at the vast emptiness of space, carrying a beacon of our existence. This message, known as the Arecibo message, became a landmark event in our search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). In 1974, humanity took a bold step into the unknown. From the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, a powerful radio signal pierced the night sky. This wasn’t your typical astronomical observation; it was a deliberate message aimed at the vast emptiness of space, carrying a beacon of our existence. This message, known as the Arecibo message, became a landmark event in our search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). ​ The Arecibo message wasn’t born out of a sudden alien invasion scare or a Hollywood-esque first contact mission. It was a clever piggyback on a momentous occasion. The Arecibo Observatory had just undergone a major upgrade, and scientists wanted to showcase its newfound capabilities. They designed a pictorial message containing fundamental information about humanity and Earth. ​ Imagine a cosmic postcard: The message, encoded in a binary format (1s and 0s), depicted our solar system, the numbers 1 to 10, the chemical makeup of DNA, and a stick figure representing a human. It even included a clever illustration of the Arecibo telescope itself, acting as a calling card. The target? A globular cluster called Messier 13, a dense swarm of hundreds of thousands of stars located roughly 25,000 light-years away. While the chances of encountering intelligent life there were slim, Messier 13 was a large and easily identifiable landmark in the night sky at the time of transmission. ​ The Arecibo message wasn’t meant to be a two-way conversation. Given the distance, it would take 25,000 years for the message to reach Messier 13, and another 25,000 years for a potential response to travel back. It was more of a symbolic gesture, a way to announce our presence to the universe and demonstrate our growing technological prowess. The Arecibo message sparked a wave of fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial life. It fueled discussions about the potential dangers and rewards of interstellar communication. Some scientists, like the renowned Carl Sagan, who was involved in the message’s design, believed it was an important step in humanity’s journey of cosmic exploration. ​ The Arecibo message wasn’t the last of its kind. With advancements in technology, scientists are proposing even more sophisticated interstellar messages, some containing information about our biology, culture, and mathematics. ​ The Arecibo message serves as a reminder of our inherent human curiosity and our desire to connect with something beyond ourselves. It’s a testament to our scientific ambition and a beacon of hope, cast into the vast unknown, waiting to be discovered by those who might be listening. Chat Section If you have any question ask me here.... Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • Jainism and Science | SPACELIA

    Jainism and Science In this section we talk about some same points between jainism and science. Similarity You might be wondering what Jainism has to do with science? So now I am going to tell you about such science which was said in Jainism thousands of years ago. You know that science has proved the soul and has told that there is a soul, but this thing is already written in Jainism, let me give you a real life example - "Once a girl was admitted in the hospital. And that girl had come to that hospital for the first time, then that girl woke up in the morning and told what all the things were on the roof of this hospital and how the roof was and explained it completely, the surprising thing is that the roof of that hospital It has been tied for many years and no one needs to know it, then how did that girl know all this? Because the soul of that girl had gone to that rooftop at night. "You might not know that our soul can also travel. This has also been proved by science, and all these things have already been written in Jainism. If you don't believe this then I can show you proof of many other such things. Jain people do not say anything after sunset at night, and you might be finding it unique that why is this so, science also says that one should not eat anything after sunset in the evening, there is a scientific reason for it as well which I will tell you about. Let me explain from the above, you must have seen the sunflower which opens as soon as the sun rises and closes again as soon as the sun sets, our stomach also works in the same way, that is why it is said in Jainism that One should eat after sunrise and not eat after sunset, and this has been proved by science today. And there is one thing which is scientifically proven that we should drink only hot water every day, hot means boiled water, there are many benefits of drinking it and science also accepts this. In our religion it is said to fast after every 15 days and our Lord also used to fast for a long time, a scientist conducted an experiment where some people were made to fast after 15 days and it The result was that the people who fasted were much healthier than the common people and there was a lot of change in their digestive system. Are all these things not enough to say that thousands of years ago, advanced people used to live and those people were none other than our Jains and we should be proud of that. Chat Section...... Other Articles.... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop Parallel World Travel Age of our Universe Zombie Planets

  • Aditya L-1 - Exploration of SUN | SPACELIA

    Aditya L-1 - Exploration of SUN Unraveling the Cosmic Tapestry: Chandra X-ray Observatory's Saga ​ In the grand cosmic theater, where the universe dons its most enigmatic costumes, the Chandra X-ray Observatory stands as humanity's eye into the unseen realms. Launched by NASA in 1999, Chandra has been an unrivaled pioneer, deciphering the universe's secrets encoded in X-ray frequencies. In this comprehensive exploration, we embark on a captivating journey, unveiling the multifaceted story of Chandra – its functions, motives, structure, historic milestones, and the mesmerizing discoveries that have reshaped our understanding of the cosmos. ​ X-ray Vision: Chandra's Functions and Motive Unveiling Cosmic Hotspots Chandra's primary function is to observe high-energy X-rays emanating from celestial objects. By capturing these elusive rays, it unveils the hottest, most dynamic regions of the universe, revealing details invisible to other telescopes. ​ Decoding Stellar Life Cycles From supernova remnants to pulsars and black holes, Chandra plays a crucial role in decoding the life cycles of stellar objects. It's a cosmic detective, providing insights into the birth, evolution, and demise of stars. ​ Probing Galactic Nuclei Chandra's gaze extends to the hearts of galaxies, where supermassive black holes reside. By studying the radiation emitted from these active galactic nuclei, scientists gain essential clues about the cosmic processes at play. ​ Charting the Cosmic Web Chandra contributes to mapping the large-scale structure of the universe, uncovering the vast cosmic web formed by the distribution of hot gas between galaxies. ​ Engineering Marvel: The Structure of Chandra X-ray Observatory Mirrors of Precision Chandra's mirrors are coated with a thin layer of iridium, a choice that enhances reflectivity in the X-ray range. Nested mirrors, rather than traditional lenses, focus the incoming X-rays onto detectors with exceptional precision. Space-Resilient Design Crafted to endure the rigors of space, Chandra orbits Earth in an elliptical trajectory, minimizing interference from the planet's radiation belts. This resilient design ensures the telescope's longevity and sustained scientific contributions. Chronicles of Chandra: A Historic Journey Launch into the Unknown Chandra embarked on its cosmic odyssey aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999. Named after the astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, the telescope began its mission to unravel the mysteries of the X-ray universe. Milestones and Legacy Throughout its journey, Chandra has left an indelible mark on astrophysics. From confirming the existence of dark energy to identifying numerous neutron stars, its discoveries have rewritten the cosmic narrative. Conclusion: Chandra's Ongoing Odyssey As we reflect on the cosmic voyage of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, we recognize its indispensable role in reshaping our cosmic comprehension. The observatory continues to unravel the X-ray mysteries, painting a vivid portrait of the universe's hidden intricacies. "X-ray Pioneers" pays homage to the brilliance of Chandra – a beacon illuminating the celestial darkness, guiding us into the depths of the cosmos where new revelations await discovery. Other Articles...... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Zombie Planets Creation of Mind Loop STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1 Osiris-REx Mission Chandra X-Ray Observatory Chandrayan-3

  • Jain geography | SPACELIA

    Jain geography ​All about Jain's geography and space science Introduction The universe for Jains is an elaborate system. Jain cosmology is very distinctive, although it shares some features with other Indian religious traditions. It is centred on the everlasting and non-originating nature of the universe, and thus excludes the notion of a creator-god. As written by a leading monastic figure from the 12th century, ‘the universe having the shape of a man standing with arms akimbo, with feet apart, filled with substances continuously being created, preserved and destroyed, has never been produced by anyone and is not sustained by anyone either. It exists by itself, without any support’.[1] Although Jains do not worship a creator-god, deities do exist, as mediators between the perfected souls of the Jinas and the imperfect world of human experience, and are a part of the Jain cosmology. Structure of the Jain Universe The Jains distinguish two types of space. The first is the world space (loka-ākāśa), which is a vast but limited area where all souls live in the different body-forms they take according to their rebirths in the various worlds. The second is the non-world space (aloka-ākāśa), which is endless. The Jain universe is perfectly structured and ordered. One of its governing principles is symmetry and repetition, so that ‘to know one part is to know the whole’. It can be viewed as ‘a self-replicating composite’ with, for example, a northern region the exact replica of its southern counterpart, halves being identical, etc. The Jain universe is thought of in terms of dimensions and quantities of units. Jain thinkers have produced a vast vocabulary to describe and understand units of time and space, going from the smallest to the largest, beyond what can be imagined. The smallest unit is the atom. Infinite combinations of atoms make up the smallest unit of measurement. At the other extreme, Jains have devised a refined analysis of extremely large numbers, considering the numerable, the innumerable and the infinite. Jain cosmology gives an important place to mathematical concepts and calculations, so that mathematical treatises written by the Jains may take their illustrative examples from cosmological contexts. Śvetāmbaras and Digambaras agree on the structure of the universe and its elements but differ on many names and numbers. ​ Grasping Jain cosmology is vital to understanding the Jain religion. The soul is an innately pure substance. But, due to embodiment and activity, good or bad, it accumulates karma, which in the Jain understanding means physical matter. This alters the purity of the soul and generates cycles of rebirths within the universe until this finally ends. Rebirth can take one of the following four forms of destiny (gati): 1. as a human (manuṣya); 2. as an inhabitant of the hells (naraka); 3. as a deity (deva); or 4. as an animal or plant (tiryag). Spiritual progression requires an understanding of these cosmological theories. Contemplating the universe is also included within the system of reflection-topics (anuprekṣā). Jambudweep This topic can not be logically or physically proven. It can only be understood on the base of Aagam Vani. You may not be able to beleive it if you think it from modern view as it exists right now. This has to be taken on faith to understand and the main foundation of its understanding is Kevalgyan. Two vertical lines are Tras Nadi where Tras Jeev live. This is in the middle with 13 Raju height. Not covering 1 Raju at the top. Every structure we understand or is described is contained within Tras Nadi. Everything outside is only 1 sensory Jeev called Sthavar Jeev. ​ Middle part is Madhya Lok. Middle Earth. 5 Meru parvat in the middle. Sudarshan Meru/Sumeru is the basis of differentiation of 3 Lok. Madhyalok height is defined by Sumeru Parvat. Below it is Adholok. Above it is Urdhvalok. Physical Dimensions: Bottom – 7 Raju Middle – 1 Raju Up Middle – 5 Raju Top – 1 Raju Depth – 7 Raju Height – 14 Raju Volume 343 Raju^3 Scale: Raju/Rajju is a measurement unit. 1 Raju = Infinite Yojan 1 Yojan = 2000 Kos 1 Kos = 2 Miles 1 Mile = 1.64 Km Strange Facts ​ In front of Jain Geography, the principles and discoveries of our science and space become false, because in Jain Geography, the house is considered as a divine plane, whatever nature the house has, that plane will also be of that type, and in the same way in Jain Geography The sun is considered as the plane of heat and the moon as the plane of coolness and an interesting fact about it is that in Jain geography there are two suns and two moons. According to Jainism, man can never go to the Moon or any other planet! Yes, you are listening right, I know that it sounds very different, but it is not a matter that these things are only heard somewhere, this principle is also a reality in Puranas and the map you are seeing above is also Jambudweep. It is from Another special thing in this is that in the middle of Jambudweep, there is Mount Meru, at some distance of which all the things of this universe are present, and according to this, we humans can never reach this sacred plane and all the other things, there is also a solid proof of this. There is a reason which I will tell you later. Yes, I know you will definitely be shocked to hear all this, but it is true and there is also one thing that Jain geography is very different and unique from our modern space science, but I will tell you further in the rest of the information. Who created our Universe according to Jainism No, as per Jainism Universe is eternal. It's neither created nor shall it ever collapse. ​ Now to the question, i.e. what led to the creation (read structure) of the universe ? ​ To keep things simple, we will just concentrate on the middle world where we humans live as it will help us better understand the structure and operations of the universe on the foundations of our current knowledge on the subject. What is outside of the Universe Well, that would define how you describe the universe as. ​ As per Jainism, the universe consists of broadly two regions viz Lokakash and Alokakash 1st region Lokakash is the region that consists of all things made of a material that exhibits the property of Fusion (Pud) and Fission (Gal) which we call matter today. Its this region of the universe that hosts our planet and all other alien habitable planets that support intelligent lifeforms, along with higher and lower planes where demigods and hellish beings reside.

  • About Team | SPACELIA

    Meet The Team Founder & CEO Don Francis This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Tech Lead Ashley Jones This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Office Manager Tess Brown This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Lisa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. HR Lead Kevin Nye This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Customer Support Lead Alex Young This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. QA Specialist Andrew Cole This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Content Strategist Debbie Green This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Alissa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Apply Today This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. 123-456-7890

  • Nearest Star System | SPACELIA

    Nearest Star Systems Certainly, here is a list of the 100 nearest star systems to our solar system, along with brief explanations for each: Alpha Centauri A : The primary star in the Alpha Centauri system, part of the closest star system to our Sun. Alpha Centauri B : The second star in the Alpha Centauri system, which includes a third star, Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri : The closest known star to our solar system, located in the Alpha Centauri system. Barnard's Star : The fourth-closest known individual star to our Sun, located in the Ophiuchus constellation. Luhman 16 : A binary brown dwarf system, about 6.59 light-years away from us. Wolf 359 : A red dwarf star, one of the nearest to Earth, approximately 7.8 light-years away. Lalande 21185 : A red dwarf star situated around 8.29 light-years from our Sun. Sirius : The brightest star in Earth's night sky, located about 8.6 light-years away. Ross 154 : A red dwarf star, roughly 9.69 light-years from our Sun. Ross 248 : Another red dwarf star, approximately 10.32 light-years away. Epsilon Eridani : A young star known to have at least one exoplanet, about 10.49 light-years away. 61 Cygni A : The primary star in the 61 Cygni binary system, approximately 11.41 light-years away. 61 Cygni B : The companion star in the 61 Cygni binary system. Struve 2398 A : A red dwarf star in a binary system, about 11.49 light-years away. Struve 2398 B : The companion star in the Struve 2398 binary system. Groombridge 34 A : A binary star system, around 11.62 light-years from our Sun. Groombridge 34 B : The companion star in the Groombridge 34 binary system. Procyon : Also known as Alpha Canis Minoris, it's about 11.46 light-years away and is one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Tau Ceti : Located about 11.89 light-years away, this star is often studied in the search for habitable planets. Epsilon Indi : About 11.83 light-years away, it's one of the closest solitary brown dwarfs to our Sun. Ross 128 : Approximately 11.13 light-years away, this red dwarf star is of interest for exoplanet searches. EZ Aquarii A : Part of a binary star system, approximately 11.32 light-years away . EZ Aquarii B : The companion star in the EZ Aquarii binary system. Luyten's Star : Located about 12.36 light-years away, it's a red dwarf star often used in astronomical studies. Kruger 60 A : A red dwarf star, approximately 13.1 light-years away. Kruger 60 B : The companion star in the Kruger 60 binary system. Gliese 1061 : A red dwarf star situated around 13.06 light-years away. Gliese 1 : Located about 15.76 light-years away, it's part of the Ursa Major constellation. Lacaille 8760 : Also known as AX Microscopii, it's about 12.88 light-years away. Wolf 1061 : A red dwarf star, approximately 14.05 light-years from our Sun. DX Cancri : Located about 14.82 light-years away, it's part of the Cancer constellation. Sirius B : The companion white dwarf star to Sirius A. 40 Eridani A : Also known as Keid, it's about 16.47 light-years away. 40 Eridani B : Part of the 40 Eridani binary system. 40 Eridani C : Also known as Proxima D, it's part of the 40 Eridani system. Proxima Eridani : Located around 16.44 light-years away. GJ 1066 : A red dwarf star situated around 16.87 light-years from our Sun. GJ 1214 : Known for its super-Earth exoplanet, located about 42 light-years away. GJ 1245 A : Part of a binary star system, about 17.16 light-years away. GJ 1245 B : The companion star in the GJ 1245 binary system. GJ 2005 : A red dwarf star approximately 17.52 light-years away. Kapteyn's Star : Located around 12.76 light-years away, it's one of the nearest stars to the solar system. AX Microscopii A : Part of the Lacaille 8760 binary system. AX Microscopii B : The companion star in the Lacaille 8760 binary system. Delta Eridani : Also known as DY Eridani, it's about 26.26 light-years away. GJ 402 : Located approximately 19.11 light-years away. Ross 614 : Also known as UV Ceti, it's a red dwarf star around 21.09 light-years away. Ross 780 : A red dwarf star located about 20.84 light-years away. Ross 619 : Also known as V577 Monocerotis, it's about 20.94 light-years away. Gliese 412 : A red dwarf star situated around 21.01 light-years away. AC+79°3888 : Located about 21.09 light-years away. Gliese 687 : A red dwarf star, about 21.03 light-years from our Sun. Lalande 25372 : Located approximately 21.16 light-years away. Ross 780 : Part of the Ross 780 binary system. Ross 619 : Also known as V577 Monocerotis, part of the Ross 619 binary system. Gliese 412 : Part of the Gliese 412 binary system. AC+79°3888 : Part of the AC+79°3888 binary system. Gliese 687 : Part of the Gliese 687 binary system. Lalande 25372 : Part of the Lalande 25372 binary system. Gliese 54 : A red dwarf star, approximately 21.53 light-years away. Gliese 22 : Located about 22.35 light-years away. Gliese 338 : Part of the Gliese 338 binary system, around 22.44 light-years away. Gliese 54 : Part of the Gliese 54 binary system. Gliese 22 : Part of the Gliese 22 binary system. Gliese 338 : Part of the Gliese 338 binary system. Gliese 830 : Located about 22.83 light-years away. Gliese 860 : Also known as Ross 842, it's approximately 22.36 light-years away. Gliese 880 : Located about 22.92 light-years away. Gliese 908 : Also known as V840 Cygni, situated around 22.29 light-years away. Gliese 752 : Also known as BD+02°3375, it's located approximately 22.57 light-years away. Gliese 117 : Also known as BD+43°4305, it's about 23.31 light-years away. Gliese 35 : Also known as BD-05°1844, it's around 23.51 light-years away. Gliese 559 : Also known as BD+47°3379, located approximately 23.61 light-years away. Gliese 369 : Also known as BD+75°325, it's about 23.69 light-years away. Gliese 372 : Also known as BD+35°3291, located approximately 23.70 light-years away. Gliese 109 : Also known as BD+63°1985, it's about 23.84 light-years away. Gliese 349 : Also known as BD+58°419, located approximately 23.88 light-years away. Gliese 12 : Also known as CD-44°163, situated around 24.33 light-years away. Gliese 22 : Also known as BD+16°1608, it's approximately 24.55 light-years away. Gliese 700 : Also known as CD-53°163, located about 24.70 light-years away. Gliese 735 : Also known as BD+36°1987, situated around 24.71 light-years away. Gliese 35 : Also known as BD+05°1780, it's approximately 24.74 light-years away. Gliese 799 : Also known as BD+28°3133, located about 24.84 light-years away. Gliese 350 : Also known as BD+27°2591, situated around 24.91 light-years away. Gliese 389 : Also known as BD+22°1950, it's approximately 25.00 light-years away. Gliese 424 : Also known as CD-38°161, located about 25.09 light-years away. Gliese 427 : Also known as BD+36°2107, situated around 25.16 light-years away. Gliese 12 : Also known as CD-44°161, part of the Gliese 12 binary system. Gliese 22: Also known as BD+16°1608, part of the Gliese 22 binary system. Gliese 700 : Also known as CD-53°163, part of the Gliese 700 binary system. Gliese 735 : Also known as BD+36°1987, part of the Gliese 735 binary system. Gliese 35 : Also known as BD+05°1780, part of the Gliese 35 binary system. Gliese 799 : Also known as BD+28°3133, part of the Gliese 799 binary system. Gliese 350 : Also known as BD+27°2591, part of the Gliese 350 binary system. Gliese 389 : Also known as BD+22°1950, part of the Gliese 389 binary system. Gliese 424 : Also known as CD-38°161, part of the Gliese 424 binary system. Gliese 427 : Also known as BD+36°2107, part of the Gliese 427 binary system. Gliese 86 : Also known as BD+48°2045, it's approximately 25.30 light-years away. Gliese 545 : Also known as BD+04°2466, located about 25.38 light-years away. Other Articles..... STAR VFTS102 KEPLER-452b KEPLER-186f Proxima Centauri b TRAPPIST-1

  • News | SPACELIA

    Latest News Latest Press Mentions Exciting Findings at Spacelia Add a News Article with a short summary and a link. You can also add a video for extra engagement. Be detailed and thorough to interest your readers, and include links to the original story online. A Revolutionary Space Exploration Lab Add a News Article with a short summary and a link. You can also add a video for extra engagement. Be detailed and thorough to interest your readers, and include links to the original story online. Top Discoveries of the Decade Add a News Article with a short summary and a link. You can also add a video for extra engagement. Be detailed and thorough to interest your readers, and include links to the original story online. Chandrayan-3 We proudly say that our Indian Space Research Organization declares chandrayan-3 mission details, ISRO is likely to launch Chandrayaan-3 on July 14, 2023 at 2:30 pm from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota. The mission involves landing a rover on the lunar surface. The mission has been budgeted at Rs 615 crore. Chandrayaan-3 is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface. It has a lander and rover configuration. click here to see chandrayan-3 launch Aditya L1 Aditya L1 shall be the first space based Indian mission to study the Sun. The spacecraft shall be placed in a halo orbit around the Lagrange point 1 (L1) of the Sun-Earth system, which is about 1.5 million km from the Earth. A satellite placed in the halo orbit around the L1 point has the major advantage of continuously viewing the Sun without any occultation/eclipses. it will be launch on 2nd september 11:50, and it will take about 109 days to reach l1 point. click here to see Aditya-L1 launch T Coronae Borealis Outburst Have you ever wished you could witness a stellar explosion? Well, 2024 might just be your year! A fascinating binary star system called T Coronae Borealis (T CrB), also known as the Blaze Star, is a potential candidate for a spectacular outburst this year. But before we get into the fireworks, let’s delve into the intriguing configuration of this cosmic duo. click here to read blog

  • Missions | SPACELIA

    MISSIONS Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More

  • kepler telescope | SPACELIA

    Discovered Exoplanets Kepler Telescope NASA's Kepler spacecraft was launched to search for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. It discovered more than 2,600 of these "exoplanets"—including many that are promising places for life to exist.

  • Research | SPACELIA

    Research Projects Space research and latest discoveries Star Formation This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project. Nebula Observation This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project. Solar Flare Detection This is your Project description. Whether your work is based on text, images, videos or a different medium, providing a brief summary will help visitors understand the context and background. Then use the media section to showcase your project. The Big Bang Effect The early theory of origin of origin of universe is The Big Bang Theory. which consist a nebular exploidation of two nebulas. this theory is a strongest theory of the origin of universe. when big bang cause dark mater and all galaxies are origin. all things of our universe is cause in this time. scientist strongly work on this theory. Existence of Alien civilization Our Milky Way galaxy is around 4 billion years old, but our universe is around 13 billion years old, so if we have high technology like space craft and rocket etc, so just imagine that how other galaxy's civilization is powerful and high-tech. so point is in whole universe there is many planets like earth is good for life and maybe life is exist in this planets, so if alien exist they have more power and technology, and maybe possible they planning to attack on earth. we must be alert and full-fill to fight with aliens. Antient Literature & Geography In Hinduism they called Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh is never born or die, let's except. They say that lord brahma created universe, let's except this also. My point is if lord brahma creates everything so which mater form is lord brahma, and if lord brahma creates atom or nano atom in nothing so where is lord brahma in nothing in which form of mater. Something came from nothing so where is lord and how it's possible. We are living in matrix yes, we are living in matrix! shocking but true many scientist proves that we are in matrix why let me explain, what we see with help of our eyes is compatible to our eyes but we can not able to see alfa red rays or electro magnetic waves but in changes of camera lance and settings we clearly see a chipset in our sky which prove that this world is matrix, detail proven photos is given in portfolio section just visit it. Net mass of our universe 500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 this number is a total mass of our universe but net mass of our universe is zero!, yes because we have already learned that we cannot create or destroy mass so when mass cannot be created so where mass came from, let me explain what is in vacuum, vacuum is one since matter and anti-matter are formed by fluctuations, the opposite of what we see also exists here, so our universe has a net mass of zero. Nearest Star System Certainly, here is a list of the 100 nearest star systems to our solar system, along with brief explanations for each: Visit More KEPLER-452b Kepler-452b, often referred to as "Earth's cousin," is an exoplanet that was discovered by NASA's Kepler Space Telescope. It was announced as a significant discovery in July 2015. Here's a detailed explanation of Kepler-452b, including information about its characteristics, atmosphere, and the potential for extraterrestrial life Visit More KEPLER-186f Kepler-186f is an Earth-sized exoplanet located 500 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It orbits a red dwarf star, Kepler-186, within its habitable zone, where conditions might allow liquid water to exist. This discovery sparked interest in the search for potentially habitable exoplanets and raised questions about the possibility of extraterrestrial life beyond our solar system. However, limited data about its atmosphere and surface make it challenging to assess its true habitability. Visit More Proxima Centauri b Proxima Centauri b is an exoplanet that orbits the red dwarf star Proxima Centauri, which is the closest known star to our Sun. Here's a detailed explanation of Proxima Centauri b, including information about its characteristics, atmosphere, and the search for extraterrestrial life or aliens Visit More TRAPPIST-1 TRAPPIST-1 is a star system located about 39 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Aquarius. It gained significant attention and interest in the scientific community and the public due to the discovery of seven Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting the ultra-cool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. Here's a detailed explanation of the TRAPPIST-1 system, including information about its characteristics, the potential for atmosphere, and the search for extraterrestrial life or aliens Visit More LHS 1140b LHS 1140b is an exoplanet that orbits the red dwarf star LHS 1140, which is located in the constellation Cetus, approximately 41 light-years away from Earth. Discovered in 2017, LHS 1140b has garnered significant attention in the field of exoplanet research due to its potential for habitability and its relatively close proximity to our solar system. Here's a detailed explanation of LHS 1140b, including information about its characteristics, atmosphere, and the potential for extraterrestrial life Visit More Age of our Universe COMING SOON......... Visit More Worm Hole COMING SOON......... Visit More Religious Point of View COMING SOON......... Visit More Existence of Multiverse what is multiverse? , Does it exist in real?, and if yes then how, I will also show its proof and an experiment. In this article, you will know the secret of the multiverse and all the facts related to it and will also know whether it exists or not. Visit More White Holes A white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime where matter and light can only escape, never enter, behaving as the reverse of a black hole. While predicted by mathematical models, there's no observational evidence yet for their existence, and they remain largely theoretical constructs in astrophysics. Visit More Black Hole A black hole is an extremely dense region in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape its grasp. It forms when a massive star collapses, creating a point called a singularity surrounded by an event horizon, beyond which nothing can return. Black holes come in various sizes, including stellar-mass and supermassive black holes. Visit More Worm Hole A wormhole is a theorized passage through spacetime, predicted by Einstein's general relativity, that could connect two distant regions. Imagine it as a tunnel bending the fabric of space and time, allowing travel between these points much faster than traditional means. However, the existence of wormholes and their stability remain unproven, requiring exotic matter with properties that haven't been observed yet. Visit More

  • White Hole | SPACELIA

    White Hole White holes are theoretical regions of spacetime where matter and energy are thought to emerge outward, representing the hypothetical opposite of black holes. Understanding White Holes: The concept of white holes is a fascinating but theoretical idea within the realm of astrophysics, offering a hypothetical counterpart to black holes in our understanding of the universe. While black holes are regions of spacetime from which nothing can escape, including light, white holes are envisioned as the opposite—a theoretical region where matter and energy can only emerge outward, never to be re-entered. This reversal of the gravitational behavior of black holes forms the basis of the concept of white holes. ​ White holes arise as solutions to the equations of general relativity, which describe the curvature of spacetime in the presence of mass and energy. They represent peculiar regions where spacetime curvature diverges from that of black holes, resulting in the outward flow of matter and energy. However, while the mathematical framework of general relativity supports the existence of white holes, there is currently no observational evidence to confirm their existence. ​ Theoretical models of white holes suggest intriguing properties, including the reversal of time near their central singularities. Whereas black holes represent the ultimate endpoint of gravitational collapse, white holes imply a reversal of this process, with matter and energy emerging outward from a central point. Additionally, some theoretical frameworks propose connections between black holes and white holes through wormholes, hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could provide passages between different regions of the universe. ​ Despite their theoretical appeal, the existence of white holes remains speculative, and several challenges hinder their direct observation or detection. The extreme conditions required for the formation of white holes, coupled with their theoretical nature, pose significant obstacles to observational studies. Nevertheless, white holes continue to capture the imagination of scientists and cosmologists, serving as intriguing objects that push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe's fundamental laws and the mysteries that lie beyond. How White Hole Forms? The formation of white holes is a speculative concept within theoretical astrophysics, and there are several proposed mechanisms for their origin. One hypothesis suggests that white holes could arise as a result of the reverse process of black hole formation. In this scenario, instead of matter collapsing inward under gravity to form a singularity, external forces or quantum effects prevent further collapse, leading to a rebound or "bounce" that results in the outward expulsion of matter and energy. Another possibility is that white holes could emerge from quantum fluctuations or exotic phenomena in the early universe. During the extreme conditions of the universe's infancy, quantum fluctuations could have given rise to regions of spacetime exhibiting the characteristics of white holes, where matter and energy escape outward rather than collapsing inward. ​ Despite these speculative scenarios, the formation of white holes remains an open question in astrophysics, as their extreme nature and theoretical properties pose significant challenges to observational confirmation. Further research and theoretical investigations are needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind white hole formation and their potential role in the cosmos. Is a White Hole connected to a Black Hole? The concept of a black hole being connected to a white hole on the other side is often discussed in theoretical physics and science fiction, but it remains speculative and has not been supported by observational evidence. This idea is based on the theoretical possibility of a wormhole—a hypothetical tunnel-like structure in spacetime that could connect two distant points or even different universes. ​ Here's how the concept of a black hole connected to a white hole through a wormhole is typically envisioned: Wormholes: Wormholes are theoretical solutions to the equations of general relativity that suggest the existence of shortcuts or tunnels through spacetime. These structures would allow matter, energy, or information to travel between distant regions of the universe more quickly than would be possible through normal space. Black Hole Throat and White Hole Throat: In the context of a black hole connected to a white hole, the black hole's event horizon is considered the entrance or "throat" of the wormhole, while the white hole's event horizon is considered the exit or "throat" of the wormhole. One-Way Passage: Theoretical models of this scenario typically involve a one-way passage of matter and energy through the wormhole, with objects falling into the black hole's event horizon emerging from the white hole's event horizon. This setup resembles the behavior of a black hole and a white hole in isolation, where matter falls into the former and escapes from the latter. Cosmological Implications: If black holes and white holes are indeed connected through wormholes, it would have profound implications for our understanding of the universe's structure and dynamics. It could provide a mechanism for the transfer of matter, energy, or even information between different regions of spacetime or even different universes. Speculative Nature: While the concept of black holes connected to white holes through wormholes is mathematically consistent with the laws of general relativity, there is currently no observational evidence to support its existence. Wormholes are highly speculative and remain purely theoretical constructs at this point. ​ Overall, while the idea of a black hole being connected to a white hole through a wormhole is fascinating and has captured the imagination of scientists and science fiction writers alike, it remains speculative and requires further theoretical and observational investigation to determine its validity. Theoretical researches on White Hole : Research on white holes primarily falls within the realms of theoretical physics and cosmology, as there is currently no observational evidence for the existence of white holes. However, scientists have proposed various theories and explored different aspects of white holes within the framework of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Here are some key areas of research and theories related to white holes: ​ Mathematical Analysis: Much of the research on white holes involves mathematical analysis within the framework of general relativity. Scientists have derived theoretical solutions to the Einstein field equations that describe the geometry of spacetime in the presence of a white hole. Relationship to Black Holes: One prominent area of research involves exploring the relationship between black holes and white holes. Some theoretical models suggest that black holes and white holes may be connected through wormholes, hypothetical tunnels in spacetime that could allow matter and energy to travel between them. Hawking Radiation Reversal: Analogous to black holes emitting Hawking radiation, some theories propose that white holes could absorb radiation and matter from their surroundings, leading to a reversal of the Hawking radiation process. This idea is speculative and remains an area of active research. Formation Mechanisms: Scientists have proposed various mechanisms for the formation of white holes. Some theories suggest that white holes could arise as the reverse process of black hole formation, while others speculate that they may emerge from quantum fluctuations or other exotic processes in the early universe. Cosmological Significance: White holes have been proposed as potential explanations for phenomena such as gamma-ray bursts, extremely energetic events observed in distant galaxies. Researchers continue to explore the cosmological implications of white holes and their potential role in the evolution of the universe. Quantum Gravity: Understanding the behavior of white holes may provide insights into the quantum nature of gravity and the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Investigating white holes within the framework of quantum gravity theories, such as loop quantum gravity or string theory, remains an area of active theoretical research. Multiverse Hypothesis: Some speculative cosmological models, such as the multiverse hypothesis, suggest that white holes could be connected to other universes within a larger cosmic ensemble. Research on white holes intersects with broader discussions about the nature of the multiverse and the possibility of other universes beyond our own. ​ Overall, research on white holes spans a wide range of theoretical and conceptual domains within physics and cosmology. While white holes remain hypothetical constructs, exploring their properties and implications contributes to our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe. Is the White holes are the creator of our universe? The concept of white holes serving as creators of the universe is a speculative idea that lacks empirical evidence and remains largely confined to theoretical discussions. While white holes are theoretical constructs derived from general relativity, positing them as sources from which matter and energy emanate outward, there is no scientific substantiation for their role as the creators of the universe. The prevailing cosmological understanding, rooted in the Big Bang theory, describes the universe's origin as an immensely dense and hot state expanding from a singularity around 13.8 billion years ago. This model does not incorporate white holes as fundamental to universal creation. White holes, if they exist, are envisioned as regions of spacetime where matter and energy escape rather than enter. While the idea of white holes as creators may be intriguing, it remains speculative and lacks empirical support. Other cosmological hypotheses, such as inflationary cosmology or multiverse theories, provide alternative explanations for the universe's origins without invoking white holes. Therefore, while the concept stimulates theoretical discourse, it currently lacks empirical validation and is not widely accepted within the scientific community. White Holes are not possible in Quantum Physics: In the realm of quantum physics, the concept of white holes faces significant challenges due to the fundamental principles governing quantum mechanics. Quantum physics describes the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales, where traditional notions of spacetime curvature may break down. One key challenge is reconciling the deterministic nature of general relativity, which underpins the concept of white holes, with the inherent uncertainty and probabilistic behavior inherent in quantum mechanics. Additionally, white holes are associated with extreme gravitational conditions and singularities, where quantum effects are expected to become significant. However, current quantum gravity theories, such as loop quantum gravity or string theory, have not yet provided a complete framework for describing the behavior of spacetime near singularities or within the context of white holes. Therefore, while quantum physics offers valuable insights into the nature of the universe, the theoretical challenges inherent in combining quantum mechanics with general relativity present obstacles to the existence of white holes within a purely quantum framework. Other Articles.... Dark Energy Multiness of Thoughts The Dream Mission Creation of Mind Loop Parallel World Travel Age of our Universe Zombie Planets Black Hole

  • Space Discoveries of 2019 | SPACELIA

    2019 Space Discoveries The cosmic web revealed Every galaxy in the universe is a pit stop on a long highway of gas known as the cosmic web. Each road, or "filament," on this intergalactic interstate is made of hydrogen left over from the Big Bang ; where large quantities of hydrogen converge, clusters of galaxies appear in the dark sea of space. The web is too faint to see with the naked eye, but in October, astronomers photographed a piece of it for the first time ever. Using the faint ultraviolet glow of a distant galaxy as backlighting, the image shows blue strands of hydrogen crisscrossing through space 12 billion light-years away, connecting bright white galaxies in its path. The plasma shield that guards the realms of men There is a violent clash unfolding at the frontier of our solar system . Billions of miles from the solar system's center, crackling solar wind collides with powerful cosmic rays at a boundary called the heliopause. When NASA's twin Voyager probes passed through the region and entered interstellar space last year, astronomers saw that the heliopause is not just a symbolic boundary; it's also a physical wall of soupy plasma that deflects and dilutes the worst of the incoming radiation. This plasma "shield," as it's described in a Nov. 4 study, may deflect about 70% of cosmic rays from entering our solar system. You could call it the shield that guards the realms of men. (You won't find White Walkers on the other side, but you will find some white dwarfs.) Radio bubbles in the galaxy's gut The Fermi Bubbles are twin blobs of high-energy gas ballooning out of both poles of the Milky Way 's center, stretching into space for 25,000 light-years apiece (roughly the same as the distance between Earth and the center of the Milky Way). The bubbles are thought to be a few million years old and likely have something to do with a giant explosion from our galaxy's central black hole — but observations are scarce, as they are typically only visible to ultrapowerful gamma-ray and X-ray telescopes. This September, however, astronomers detected the bubbles in radio waves for the first time, revealing large quantities of energetic gas moving through the bubbles, possibly fueling them to grow even larger, according to the scientists' report in the journal Nature. Fermi's chimneys A whole new era of space science began on Christmas Day 2021 with the successful launch of the world's next major telescope. NASA, the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency are collaborating on the $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a project more than three decades in the making. Space telescopes take a long time to plan and assemble: The vision for this particular spacecraft began before its predecessor, the Hubble Space Telescope, had even launched into Earth orbit. Whereas Hubble orbits a few hundred miles from Earth's surface, JWST is heading to an observational perch located about a million miles from our planet. The telescope began its journey towards this spot, called the Earth-sun Lagrange Point 2 (L2), on Dec. 25, 2021 at 7:20 a.m. EST (1220 GMT) when an Ariane 5 rocket launched the precious payload from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The telescope will help astronomers answer questions about the evolution of the universe and provide a deeper understanding about the objects found in our very own solar system. Planet in a dead star's thrall When a typical sun runs out of fuel and collapses, it may become a white dwarf — the compact, crystalline corpse of a star. If that star had any planets orbiting around it, chances are they were either obliterated in the star's final growth spurt (Earth will likely be engulfed by our sun in its final years) or sucked up and destroyed by the white dwarf's intense gravity. However, in early December, astronomers discovered an intact planet orbiting a white dwarf star for the first time ever. Spotted about 2,040 light-years from Earth, the white dwarf system seems to be emitting a strange combo of gases that could be a Neptune-like planet slowly evaporating as it circles the dead sun once every 10 days. The study adds major evidence to the theory that dead stars can host planets (at least temporarily). Solar tsunamis The Parker Solar Probe's record-setting approach to the sun made this year's biggest solar science headlines, but arguably the most epic sun study came months earlier, in February, according to scientists writing in the journal Scientific Reports. The researchers described a solar phenomenon called "terminator events " — basically, cataclysmic magnetic-field collisions at the sun's equator. More epic still, the authors wrote, these collisions may result in twin tsunamis of plasma tearing across the star's surface at 1,000 feet (300 meters) per second in both directions. These gargantuan (though still theoretical) solar tsunamis could last for weeks at a time and may occur every decade or so. The next one could be due in early 2020, the authors wrote, which would give the Parker probe something truly gnarly to behold. Black hole babies from the early universe In March, Japanese astronomers searched for baby pictures of the universe by turning their telescope to a corner of space 13 billion light-years away. There, they spied 83 previously undiscovered supermassive black holes dating to the early days of the universe. The holes — actually a bunch of quasars , or huge, luminous disks of gases and dust that surround supermassive black holes — were around as few as 800 million years after the Big Bang, making them some of the earliest objects ever detected. The composite image of all 83 quasars (above) may not be as cute as your own baby pictures, but it's arguably way cooler. Renegade star flees rare black hole In September, astronomers detected one of the fastest renegade stars ever recorded, fleeing across the Milky Way at 1.2 million mph (2 million km/h). Most stars moving at such blazing speeds are usually the survivors of a binary system that got ripped in half by a supermassive black hole or exploding supernova, but this speedy sun appeared to be different. After tracking the star's velocity and trajectory, researchers determined that it seemed to have suffered a run-in with a mid-mass black hole — that is, a black hole with hundreds to hundreds of thousands of times the mass of the sun (as opposed to a supermassive black hole , which can be millions or billions of times the sun's mass). This theoretical type of black hole has never been observed before, and scientists have never found convincing evidence that they actually exist. Now, one speedy star might shine the way to the proof that scientists have been looking for. Fast radio burst followed home Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are intensely bright, vanishingly brief pulses of radio energy that constantly zip across the universe like invisible bullets. What are they, exactly — belches of radiation from supermassive black holes? The pulses of alien spaceship engines ? Scientists don't know for sure, but a team of researchers came closer to solving the puzzle in June when they tracked an FRB across space and time to its precise origins for the first time ever. Using a radio telescope array in the Australian outback, the researchers found the burst in question (which lasted a fraction of a millisecond) originated from a Milky Way-size galaxy about 3.6 billion light-years from Earth, which was no longer producing fresh stars. These results show that FRBs can form in a variety of cosmic environments (and that aliens still can't be ruled out).

  • Parallel World Travel | SPACELIA

    Parallel World Travel We have heard a lot about time travel, it feels good to hear it but only in imagination and theories, we already know the rest of the reality, but today we have brought another theory in front of you which can happen in the past. There is a thesis based on the above but yes, you will definitely feel happy after reading it. Over View.... So let me give you an overview of this theory, in this we have tried to understand how time travel can happen in the past, because we all know that if we want, we can do it in the future, but time can never shrink. This is why it is impossible to travel in the past, but if we say that it is possible and that anti-reaction will increase your interest, then if we have to travel in time then it is possible only in a parallel universe. But we cannot understand the parallel world well yet, so we will have to create this theory accordingly, then the time travel that will happen will happen in the parallel world that we have created with our own thoughts. Because till now the parallel universe has remained only a thesis. So stick to this theory and the whole society will follow you. If you have any questions, you can tell me in the chat box below, I will definitely answer you. Lets begin the journey After starting this I want to ask you question Is time travel in past can be possible because if we do there would be so many paradoxes we have to face like Grandfather paradoxes and Butterfly Effect. If you don’t know about these then might be you think that what’s these..? ​ Grandfather Paradox- Let’s suppose you have a time machine and you traveled in past And unfortunately because of You your Grandfather got killed in his childhood in the age of 6. Then what happen? Just think logically that if your Grandfather never married with any woman then your father will not birth in this world and if he don’t birth in this world You might be not birth in the world So in present if you don’t exists how did you traveled in past and killed your Grandfather? Tricky right… You can read About the Butterfly effect By yourself…. And cause of we are humans and we often made mistakes we can say that there will be a huge chance that we messed up past.. So with this, This is confirm that we cannot travel in past. Even not in the theory. But we are humans and we are free to think and assume don’t we? Of course many scientists claim that past time travel isn’t possible. So my theory is What if we do travel in past and change it but in result nothing will change in our world cause of our mistake or action, Note that I said in our world. As we know we are not alone in the universe there can be a lot of creature like us or advance from us or lower from us in different sector. And there would be a chance that there would be an parallel universe like us. Parallel Universe is a universe which had many similarities and many differences too. This is a hypothesis universe but it can be true. My theory is a mixture of parallel universe and time travel. There are huge chance that we humans will be able to travel in past but the problem will be we can only observe them but can’t change anything if we dare and try to change anything then The past that we traveled will become a parallel universe and continuous it’s own different future than us. In short if we do the grandfather paradox there then even if we kill the grandfather we will be secure but in that died grandfather universe we actually never be able to exists there. It might be the reason why the party of the time travelers by Stephen hawking was empty cause maybe the travelers don’t want to change the universe. With this almost every paradox can be solved. And whenever we felt Déjà vu there would be the cause of we already felt it on parallel universe and we are connected by that ourselves from that universe to this Universe.. Every action has an appropriate reaction We all know that every action has an appropriate reaction, so you must be thinking that you have said that time travel will happen in the past but not in our parallel universe, but will it have any impact in our universe? , Can it have any opposing impact? Well, we can think something now, but because we have given you this universe, it must have been created by imagination and if we do anything in it, we will not see any effect on the present. We will not get it, that is a different matter that this is just our thought, so maybe there can be some reaction. You can tell in the chat box given below whether you have any idea whether this could be a reaction? Chat Section If you have any question ask me here....

  • Discoveries | SPACELIA

    Space Discoveries This is your About Page. It's a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are, what you do and what your website has to offer. Double click on the text box to start editing your content and make sure to add all the relevant details you want to share with site visitors. Nasa's Time Line Hubble's Discoveries Presenter please note: Much of the discussion in these slides, and most of the public’s attention, is focused on Hubble’s enormous repertoire of images. View More Hubble's Deep Field The Hubble Space Telescope has made over 1.5 million observations since its launch in 1990, capturing stunning subjects such as the Eagle Nebula and producing data that has been featured in almost 18,000 scientific articles. But no image has revolutionized the way we understand the universe as much as the Hubble Deep Field . View More Hubble's Nebulae Hubble telescope discovered some nebulae here is an image and detail of the nebulae and other information about it. View More Hubble's Star Clusters Billions of trillions of stars illuminate the galaxies of our universe. Each brilliant ball of hydrogen and helium is born within a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula. Deep within these clouds, knots can form, pulling in gas and dust until they become massive enough to collapse under their own gravitational attraction. View More Hubble's Galaxies Our Sun is just one of a vast number of stars within a galaxy called the Milky Way, which in turn is only one of the billions of galaxies in our universe. These massive cosmic neighborhoods, made up of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity, come in a variety of sizes, from dwarf galaxies containing as few as 100 million stars to giant galaxies of more than a trillion stars. View More Hubble's Galaxy Discovery Our Sun is just one of a vast number of stars within a galaxy called the Milky Way, which in turn is only one of the billions of galaxies in our universe. These massive cosmic View More Hubble's Nebula Discovery ​ The space between stars is dotted with twisting towers studded with stars, unblinking eyes, ethereal ribbons, and floating bubbles. These fantastical shapes, some of the universe’s most visually stunning constructions, are nebulae, clouds of gas and dust that can be the birthplace of stars, the scene of their demise ― and sometimes both. View More Hubble's Planetary Discoveries Hubble, however, has made some unique contributions to the planet hunt. Astronomers used Hubble to make the first measurements of the atmospheric composition of extrasolar planets. Hubble observations have identified atmospheres that contain sodium, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. View More Kepler's Exoplanets NASA's Kepler spacecraft was launched to search for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. It discovered more than 2,600 of these "exoplanets"—including many that are promising places for life to exist. View More Space discovery of year 2021 Top 9 Discoveries of year 2021, visit page by clicking view more button. View More

  • Space Facts | SPACELIA

    Facts about Space Facts about space, new planets, antique thing in space, new updates The great attractor Location: The Great Attractor is located in the direction of the Centaurus and Hydra constellations, roughly 150 million light-years away from Earth. Its position behind the dust clouds of our Milky Way galaxy makes it challenging to observe directly. Gravitational Pull: The Great Attractor possesses an immense gravitational force that influences the motion of nearby galaxies. It acts as a massive attractor, causing galaxies to move towards it at high speeds. This gravitational pull shapes the large-scale structure of the universe. Uncertain Nature: The exact nature and composition of the Great Attractor remain a mystery. Scientists propose various theories, including the possibility of it being a concentration of dark matter or a supercluster of galaxies. Further research and observations are necessary to unravel the true nature of this cosmic phenomenon. Age of water A fascinating fact about the age of water on Earth is that some of the water molecules we have today are estimated to be as old as the solar system itself. This conclusion is based on the analysis of isotopes, specifically the ratios of deuterium (a heavy isotope of hydrogen) to regular hydrogen in water samples. By studying these isotopic ratios, scientists have determined that a portion of Earth's water has likely been part of the planet's hydrological cycle since its formation approximately 4.5 billion years ago. This means that the water we use and encounter every day has been cycling through the Earth's oceans, atmosphere, and land for billions of years, making it a remarkable and ancient resource. Gliese 436 B Classification: Gliese 436 b is classified as a "hot Neptune" due to its size resembling Neptune, but with extreme temperatures. Orbit and Distance: It orbits very close to its parent star, completing a revolution in just 2.64 Earth days. Gliese 436 b is located approximately 33 light-years away from Earth. Atmosphere and Composition: The planet has a scorching atmosphere due to its close proximity to the star. It is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, but also contains exotic materials such as "hot ice" or superheated steam. Density and Structure: Gliese 436 b has a relatively low density compared to other exoplanets of similar mass and size. The planet may have a dense core surrounded by a massive envelope of hydrogen and helium. Tidal Forces: Strong tidal forces act on the planet due to its proximity to the star. These tidal forces elongate the planet, leading to additional heating of its atmosphere. The oldest planet Age: PSR B1620-26 system is estimated to be around 12.7 billion years old. Star: The system's central star is a binary system consisting of a pulsar (PSR B1620-26) and a white dwarf. Planets: PSR B1620-26 b (Methuselah): Discovered in 2003. Gas giant planet. Similar in size to Jupiter. Mass is approximately 2.5 times that of Jupiter. Orbits both the pulsar and the white dwarf. Average distance from the star: about 23 astronomical units (AU). Highly eccentric orbit. Orbital period: roughly 100 Earth years. PSR B1620-26 c (Genesis): Discovered in 2006. Gas giant planet. Orbits at a distance of approximately 83 AU from the central stars. GJ 1214B Discovery: GJ 1214b was discovered in 2009 by the MEarth Project, which aims to detect Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting nearby M-dwarf stars. Classification: GJ 1214b is classified as a super-Earth exoplanet. Size and Mass: GJ 1214b is larger than Earth but smaller than gas giants like Jupiter. Its size is approximately 2.7 times the Earth's radius. The mass of GJ 1214b is estimated to be around 6.5 times the mass of Earth. Composition: GJ 1214b is believed to have a substantial atmosphere. The planet's composition consists of a combination of rock and water. HD 140283 Age: HD 140283 is one of the oldest known stars in the universe. Its estimated age is about 14.46 billion years, making it older than the estimated age of the universe itself. Distance: HD 140283 is located approximately 190 light-years away from Earth. It is situated in the constellation Libra. Spectral Class and Subgiant Status: HD 140283 is classified as a subgiant star. It belongs to the spectral class F9, indicating its temperature and other Speciality: This planet is the oldest planet of our universe, in fact this planet is older than universe Deja Vu effect ​Deja vu is a psychological phenomenon characterized by a strong sense of familiarity or the feeling that one has experienced a current situation or event before, despite knowing that it is impossible. While the exact cause of deja vu is not fully understood, several theories have been proposed to explain its occurrence. Here are some of the leading theories: Prevalence: Deja vu is a common phenomenon experienced by a significant portion of the population. Studies suggest that approximately 60-80% of people report having had at least one deja vu experience in their lifetime. Milkey way galaxy The Milky Way Galaxy was born about 12.7 years ago, and is still expanding rapidly today. According to scientists, 6 to 7 new stars are born every year in our milky way galaxy and every year a light star dies and turns into a planetary nebula. Our solar system is 27,000 light years away from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Our milky way galaxy travels through space at a speed of about 583 KM/S, and it is expanding at a speed of 1770 KM/H. At the center of our Milky Way galaxy is the SAGITTARIUS A* black hole with a mass 4.3 million times that of our Sun. Speed of Light The speed of light in a vacuum is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (or about 186,282 miles per second). This speed is denoted by the symbol "c" in physics equations. Light travels at a constant speed in a vacuum, regardless of the source or the observer's motion. This is one of the fundamental principles of physics. The speed of light is incredibly fast. For example, light from the Sun takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach Earth, even though the distance is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). The speed of light is the fastest known speed in the universe. According to our current understanding of physics, no object with mass can reach or exceed the speed of light. Travel at speed of light If we travel at the speed of light, what will the universe look like, then understand that when we drive in the rain, the rain water hits the windshield of the car, as the speed of the car increases, the water hits more diagonally and today The concept applies to spaceships and interstellar space in the universe, where the spaceship traveling at the speed of the universe appears in 2D form in a frame against the light of the surrounding stars.​ MIT University has done one such fun experiment in which it has shown what it feels like to go back and forth at the speed of light. (Download link is below) Download A Slower Speed of Light game: Speed of Light 2 The fastest moving thing in our universe is light, which moves at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. You will be surprised to know that light takes 1.3 seconds to reach the moon from earth and it takes 182 seconds to reach Mars and it takes 32 minutes to reach Jupiter and it takes 500 years to reach our Milky Way Galaxy. Light takes 2500000 years to go and reach the nearest Galaxy Andromeda and you will be surprised to hear that despite the speed of light, it can never cross the universe because our universe is spreading faster than light. Time Dilation What is time dilation? Let us understand in a very simplified way, you must have seen the Interstellar movie, in which time is extremely slow on the planet named Millers, where 1 hour spent is equal to 7 years spent on Earth. This is because the planet was very close to the black hole, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, black holes have more time warp, so that time slows down. So understand it in this way that it normally takes us time to go from point A to B, but if we pass near a black hole, then the curvature increases, so it takes more time for us to go from A to B. Epsilon Eridani Star System 7th Aug 2000 Scientists have discovered a new star system named Epsilon Eridani in the Eridanus constellation about 10.5 light years away from Earth. This star system is exactly like our solar system. In this star system we have discovered Epsilon Eridani-b and a low mass planet Epsilon Eridani-c like Jupiter. Apart from this, the asteroid belt is also present in this star system just like our solar system. About 800 million years old, this star system is similar to the time when life began on our Earth. Scientists also consider this star system as the home of aliens.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Strange Planets The Pink Planet : GJ504B is a planet that looks completely pink in color and the reason for the pink appearance of this house is its intense heat which makes it look pink, and this planet is 4 times bigger than Jupiter. Super Saturn : J1407B is also called Super Saturn because this planet has the largest planetary ring system ever found and this ring system is 640 times bigger than Saturn. The golden planet : 16 psyche is an asteroid, but it is also called a minor planet. There is a lot of gold in this asteroid. Let us tell you that the price of this minor planet is about 700 quintillion dollars. Space Facts-1 Right now we know only 5% of the universe out of 100 hubs and this is what we call the observable universe and according to scientists there are about 2 trillion galaxies in our observable universe. 1 billion 400 million years ago, a day on our earth used to be 18 hours 41 minutes. There are thousands of millions of black holes present in our Milky Way Galaxy, which keep wandering in space like this. HD140283 is considered to be the first star of this universe and the age of this star is 14.3 billion years which is more than the age of our universe. The black hole that is closest to our earth is named HR6819 and this black hole is 1000 light years away from us. PSR J1719 1438B In the year 2009, MATHEW BAILES, who is an astrophysicist, saw a house from his telescope which was 3000 times bigger than the sun, yet it was revolving around its sun, then after research, it was found that in a supernova explosion, that star was transformed into a nevtron star, whose mass is much more than its house, so it is holding its star despite being small, and that planet has also become a super giant, but due to the heat of its star. Since then the carbon inside it has now become diamond and that planet is a complete diamond planet. Center of Mass in Solar System We all have been reading since childhood that all the planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun, so according to that, the middle point for all the planets should be the middle point of the Sun, but it is not so in reality. Gravitational force pulls the planet towards itself, similarly the planets also pull the Sun, but here the Sun is an ancient and very big star, so its force is more than all the other planets, hence all the planets are seen revolving around it, but all the planets And the center of mass between the Sun is different, like Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, so as soon as its gravitational force and the force of the Sun meet, both of them revolve around their center of mass which is away from the center of the Sun. Comes a little further. Time Traveler Party The great scientist Stephen Hawking was already experimenting on time travel. In 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted a reception for time travelers at the University of Cambridge. He sent out invitations but did not publicize the event until afterward. The idea was to see if any time travelers would attend, as they would be aware of the event's details through time-traveling knowledge. But no one attended that party which proved that humans cannot time travel. And we also know that if we have to go back in time then it is never possible in the universe. What is Time? Time!, what is time? You will say that a clock or a calendar will be something like this, no, time is not a thing, all these are things to measure time. Time is a dimension, I understand in simple language, time has been moving ever since our universe was created, so is time moving us? No, things keep changing with time, meaning motion also keeps on changing with time, see like ever since the universe was created, it is expanding and all this is happening with time. Before the Big Bang, there was no motion in the singularity, so there was no time then, it can be said as if only time can be the cause of change. Times are changing. Why we should not make contact with aliens right now Great scientist Stephen Hawking said that we should not make contact with aliens right now. Why did he give such advice? Because we humans are still like small children in the world of technology, you will say that science has progressed so much, so many discoveries have been made, we have even gone to space, once or twice in space. We do not become rich by leaving, we have not even searched for living on another planet or have gone to live on any other planet. This progress seems big to us but it is nothing. If we contact any alien civilization, they will reach our Earth and may even harm us, that is why even today we do not respond to any signal. Quantum Elevator What is a quantum elevator? Suppose you are in a building and each floor of this building is a different dimension, you live on the 4th floor, that is, in the 4th dimension, and you have to go from the 4th floor to the 10th floor and there is an elevator here which will take you there. But when you are going from 4th floor to 10th floor then you will not be able to see the floors coming in between and you will not even know what is on this floor. This is how the quantum elevator works. And this can be very different in different dimensions, it takes us in a fixed dimension. Bennu Asteroid Composition: Bennu is a carbonaceous asteroid, rich in carbon-based compounds. This composition makes it valuable for scientists, as it could provide insights into the origin of life and the early solar system. Sample Collection: NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission successfully collected a sample from Bennu's surface in October 2020. This mission aims to return the collected samples to Earth, allowing scientists to study the asteroid's material in detail. Impact Risk: Bennu is classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid due to its orbit's proximity to Earth's orbit. Scientists continue to monitor its trajectory to assess any potential impact risks in the future. Images Voyager's Golden Record The Voyager Golden Record, a time capsule of humanity's cultural and scientific achievements, was launched aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft by NASA in 1977. This phonograph record contains a diverse array of sounds and images representing Earth and its inhabitants, including greetings in 55 languages, music from various cultures, and images depicting life on our planet. The record was designed to serve as a message to any extraterrestrial civilizations that might encounter the Voyager spacecraft. A testament to human curiosity and creativity, the Voyager Golden Record remains a symbolic representation of our species' desire to reach out and connect with the unknown, even across the vastness of space. Gallery WARP Drive Warp drive is a theoretical propulsion system that features prominently in science fiction, notably in franchises like "Star Trek." The concept involves manipulating space-time to enable faster-than-light travel, allowing spacecraft to travel vast interstellar distances in a relatively short time. In essence, warp drive contracts space in front of the spacecraft while expanding it behind, creating a warp bubble that moves the vessel. While widely popularized, especially by theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre's theoretical framework in 1994, practical implementation remains a distant dream due to the enormous energy requirements and unresolved challenges in bending space-time as proposed. Scientists continue to explore the theoretical underpinnings of warp drive, but as of now, it remains firmly in the realm of speculative science fiction. Psyche Asteroid Psyche is a massive asteroid located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It's of particular interest to scientists because it's composed mostly of metallic iron and nickel, resembling Earth's core. This unique composition has led researchers to hypothesize that Psyche might be the exposed core of an early planetesimal, offering a rare opportunity to study the interior of a planet-like body. NASA's Psyche spacecraft, slated for launch in 2022, aims to explore this intriguing asteroid, providing valuable insights into the processes that shaped the early solar system and potentially uncovering secrets about planetary core formation. Earendel Star The James Webb Space Telescope has discovered the most distant star in space, which is believed to be the most distant star ever explored, and it is also believed that this star was formed only in the first 100 million years after the Big Bang. had gone Arandale was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2002 and along with its expansion, it has moved 2800 kilometers away from us. Recently, NASA has once again discovered this star with the help of James Webb Telescope and it has been revealed that it is 2 times bigger than our sun, its brightness is 1 million times more than our sun. NGC 6166 Black Hole Psyche is a massive asteroid located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It's of particular interest to scientists because it's composed mostly of metallic iron and nickel, resembling Earth's core. This unique composition has led researchers to hypothesize that Psyche might be the exposed core of an early planetesimal, offering a rare opportunity to study the interior of a planet-like body. NASA's Psyche spacecraft, slated for launch in 2022, aims to explore this intriguing asteroid, providing valuable insights into the processes that shaped the early solar system and potentially uncovering secrets about planetary core formation.

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