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Heliocentric System


  1. Composition: Comets are composed of ice, rock, dust, and organic compounds. Their icy nucleus contains a mixture of water, frozen gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane), and various types of solid particles.

  2. Orbits: Comets have elongated orbits that can take them far from the Sun, often originating from the Kuiper Belt or the Oort Cloud. When a comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, the heat causes the ice to vaporize, creating a glowing coma and distinctive tails.

  3. Scientific Significance: Comets are of great scientific importance as they provide a window into the early solar system's formation. By studying comets, scientists can gain insights into the composition and processes that occurred during the formation of planets and other celestial bodies billions of years ago. Space missions have been launched to explore and gather data directly from comets, enhancing our understanding of these fascinating objects.

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